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Hana felt her body shake as she stepped out of the palace that she felt so safe in. She had never thought that she would feel safe in a palace full of demons and the king of Hell, but as she followed Hoseok further away from it, her heart felt like it would stop and no matter how beautiful the gardens she walked through were, fear still struck her.

"This way" Hoseok said and Hana gulped "We are getting a carriage there because it is a long way and that way, I can show you my world"

"O-ok" Hana said quietly and a low growl in the air made her jump. She leapt forwards and grabbed hold of Hoseok "What's that growl?"

"Don't know, don't care" Hoseok said "But you can hold onto me if you are that scared"

Hana yanked her hand away from him, and held onto Jimin "I'd rather hold onto Jimin"

Jimin looked between Hana and Hoseok as they narrowed their eyes and he sighed.

"Miss Hana" Jimin said "Once we leave the palace, I will need to be on my guard. I am the king's personal guard and I need to make sure that I am alert"

"You can hold onto me" Yoongi said "Tae, come on"

Taehyung rushed through to Hana and linked his arm with hers, matching Yoongi on her other side. Hoseok muttered something under his breath and Jimin tried not to laugh at his comment.

"Hurry up peasants" Hoseok said "We are already late"

Hana looked around the garden they walked through and it reminded her of the gardens that her parents took her too a few months before they died. The smells of the roses and other plants dotted around the large expanse of the garden brought tears to her eyes, as her parents smiling faces flooded her memories.

Yoongi glanced down at her "Are you scared?"

"Yes and no" Hana sniffed slightly "It's just the gardens remind me of my parents. They took me to one before they died and I guess I never really thought about how flowers really were beautiful until now"

"Don't worry too much about leaving the palace" Taehyung said, patting her hand "We won't leave your side"

Hana nodded and swallowed back more tears. Hoseok had glanced over his shoulder at Hana crying and he wanted to pat her head but he chose to let her friends comfort her. It pained him to see her crying but as soon as they stepped off the palace grounds, he would need to make sure that no demon saw any weakness or he would be attacked.

The rest of the walk to the stables were quiet and Hoseok shooed her friends away from her, and put his hand on her shoulder, wearing a soft smile.

"Baby, this is where my creatures are kept" He said proudly "Mister Bunny used to live here and now-"

"Who is Mister Bunny?"

"Your pet"

"You mean Sergeant Buttons?" Hana smiled slightly.

"Whatever" Hoseok blushed "Chanyeol!" 

Hana looked up as a tall, blond guy came out of a stall. He was covered in dirt and there was some straw in his hair. As he stepped closer to Hoseok, Hana saw a leg poke out the stall and trip him up. He yelped out in shock and crashed to the floor in front of Hana.

"Ouch!" He said pushing himself to his knees "You little fucker! I am going to starve you for weeks you piece of fucking shit!"

"Chanyeol" Hoseok said "Is everything ready?"

"Yeah" He said getting to his feet and dusted himself down "That little bastard...sorry your highness. You must be Hana" He stuck his hand out to shake her hand "I'm Chanyeol. Nice to meet you"

Hana reached to shake his hand, but Hoseok intercepted and linked his fingers with hers. Her body felt like it went up in flames.

"Oh I see" Chanyeol smiled "You don't want me touching her. No worries. If you follow me, I'll take you to the carriage"

"You go ahead" Hoseok said "I need to speak with my bride"

Hana watched as everyone left them alone, and Hoseok looked at her, with narrowed eyes.

"You need to realise something" He said "You are the future queen of Hell and you will need to start acting the part. Queens do not shake the hand of other demons"


"When we are around demons that we know and trust, then you are allowed to relax. But there are demons out here that will see you being nice as a weakness and I don't want you to get hurt because they won't hold back" Hoseok said and he lifted his hand to her cheek, brushing his thumb across her cheek bone "Hana, I want to protect you and I don't...shit, I don't like seeing you cry. It hurts me and I don't like being hurt"

"You care about me?"

"Of course I care about you" Hoseok frowned "I lo-like you, so what makes you think I don't care about you?"

Hana shrugged "I don't know. I just...I don't know"

"You are scared" He said "I can feel it and you were crying earlier. Why?"

Hana rubbed the top of her arm "I don't want to talk about it right now. Can we just get this over with please? I just want to go and come back quickly and I don't want any trouble"

Hoseok chuckled "Baby, the king of Hell is leaving his palace with his future wife, it won't be a quick visit and I can't say it won't be without any trouble. But you won't see the trouble because my guards will get rid of the problems before they are even known"

"Your brides won't be there, will they?"

"They will" Hoseok shrugged "A few live there"

Hana almost pouted and she looked away from Hoseok "I see"

"Don't be so jealous" Hoseok said pulling Hana into his arms "They aren't my are"

Before Hana could say anything, Hoseok lowered his lips to hers, kissing her gently. At first he thought that she would pull away, but she kissed back catching them both off guard.

Their mouths moved in perfect synchronisation and a low growl rumbled in the back of Hoseok's throat and his hands gripped her face tightly, urging the kiss to go deeper. Hoseok slipped his tongue between her lips and she gasped at the sudden invasion, but didn't push him away.

Even with all the creatures growling and making noises around them, she didn't care. She felt safe in the arms of Hoseok and as the kiss became more passionate and full of need, Hana could feel herself wanting more and she was almost scared at how her body reacted to Hoseok's kiss.

But before anything else could keep them from leaving the palace, Hoseok pulled away his lips still touching hers as he spoke.

"I think we should revisit this when we get back" He said, in a husky voice "We are expected somewhere and I can't claim you as mine right here, surrounded by Hellhound's and Orthrus"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now