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Hana held her friends hands tightly as the carriage rushed away from the fight. She had wanted to stay but she was glad that Hoseok pushed her away. Her heart was slamming against her rib cage and her breathing had become so quick she thought she was going to pass out.

"Don't worry Miss Hana" Yugyeom said "We will be in the palace soon and you will be safe again"

Hana didn't trust her voice so she just nodded. Yoongi and Taehyung had stopped shaking but she knew they were just as scared as she had been. Even though they were classed as demons now, they were still human.

"I just want to go home" Taehyung said, his voice breaking "I want my mum. I want my dad. I just want to go home and pretend this is all a bad dream"

"So do I" Yoongi whispered "Being here is so painful"

"Jaebum" Yugyeom said suddenly "Who is that in the road?"

Hoseok frowned as Jin started to laugh, drool and blood dripping from his mouth. He was confused. Jin was about to die yet he was laughing.

"Do you find something funny?"

"My poor, stupid brother" Jin grinned up at Hoseok and Jungkook chuckled "One of us is missing"

The carriage pulled to a stop and Yugyeom told them to stay put even though Hana begged them to not slow down.

"It will be fine Miss Hana" Jaebum said "We will protect you"

"No! Don't leave us here!" She screamed "I know who that-"

Her words were cut off as Yugyeom was dragged from the carriage. His yells were shortly stopped and the sound of skin tearing echoed through the carriage. As Jaebum went to fight a sword was forced through his neck, making Hana and her two friends scream in fright.

The tall demon now covered in blood stepped into the carriage and grinned down at them.

"Hana" He said "You are beautiful as ever. The blood brings out your complexion"

"You bastard!" She cried "Why did you kill them!"

"Language Hana" Namjoon chuckled "Shall I kill your friends as well? No? Then I do believe we have places to be"

Hoseok hit the ground running as soon as he appeared where the carriage was. He saw Yugyeom lying face down on the floor in a puddle of his own blood and he knew that he was dead. He had no hope of Hana being there when he saw Jaebum lying on the floor.

Hoseok yelled out in anger and he felt his blood run cold. Jin had outsmarted him and taken his bride away and then escaped. Never again would he allow traitors to live. He would kill them instantly and not listen to them beg to be kept alive.

"Your highness!" Jimin shouted "You need to see this"

Hoseok went to Jimin and snatched the bloodied paper from his hand.

"I am going to tear him limb from limb" Hoseok growled "Where are her friends?"

"There are bloody footprints that take them away from the carriage, but they stop mid run. These are Hana's shoes" Bee said feeling anger boil inside her and bowed to Hoseok "I'm sorry your highness. I failed you and I failed Miss Hana"

"You did not fail" Hoseok said "I failed to protect Hana by not killing Jin all those years ago"

"Shall we head to the East?"

"No" Jimin said.

"What do you mean?" Bee snapped "We have to go after them! They can't get away with this"

"And they won't" Jimin looked over at Hoseok who was staring at Hana's lone shoe "Hoseok, what do you think we should do?"

Hoseok squeezed the paper in his hand and looked over at Jimin.

"We...I...don't know" Hoseok whispered "Jimin, I don't know what to do. He took her away from me from under my nose!"

Jimin walked over to Hoseok, and put his hand onto his kings shoulders "We will get them back"

"I was so fucking stupid!" Hoseok yelled "My brother outsmarted me! If Hana gets hurt, I don't know what to...this is all my fault"

"This isn't your fault" Jimin said "No one thought that Jin would-"

"Of course it's my fault! I knew Jin was after Hana yet I was stupid enough to take her from palace grounds!" Hoseok hissed and Jimin lowered his head slightly.

Hoseok dropped to his knees as he felt his anger vanish and get replaced with fear. An emotion he had never felt before.

"Jimin, what do I do?" He said "Hana has been taken from me and those two boys won't stand a chance against demons from the East"

"Your highness" Jimin said "We will get them back and Hana will be in your arms once again"

Hoseok ran his hands through his hair "What if...what if he her, then the contract will burn and I won't ever get to marry her. I won't get to see the stupid girls face every time I wake up!"

"Hoseok" Bee said "The contract will not burn and you will marry that girl"

"What if I'm too late?"

Bee stomped forward and slapped Hoseok around the face. Jimin rushed forward to prepare to hold Hoseok back, but he didn't move. He stayed kneeling on the floor.

"You're right" Hoseok grumbled and climbed to his feet "I will get to marry her and my brother will die before he puts his hand on my Hana"

Hana whispered as she heard growling around her. She could feel her friends crying beside her and the fabric tied around her eyes was hurting.

The sound of a door opening made her jump and a quiet chuckle echoed around the room she was being kept in.

"You look beautiful tied up" Jin said "Namjoon was right. The blood brings out your complexion"

"Why are you doing this?" Hana cried "Just let us go!"

"Why didn't you just say so?" Jin said ripping the fabric from her eyes "There's the door, so off you go"

Hana frowned but didn't move. Jin laughed and backhanded her making her scream out in pain.

"You aren't leaving here. Ever" Jin grinned and grabbed hold of her throat "Now I finally have you, I will make you rightfully mine. In 3 days time we have the blood moon and we will marry. Under the blood moon I will take you, by force if need be, and I will be crowned king as I should have been all those years ago"

"I won't marry you!" Hana said glaring at Jin "I'd rather die"

Jin squeezes her throat slightly "That can be arranged, but I'd rather my see my brother lose when you marry me. For now, you have some use for me"

"Hoseok will come for me" Hana said.

"I know that" Jin rolled his eyes "But he won't live because as soon as that traitor steps into the East... I will tear his head from his body"

Hana felt more tears sting her eyes and Jin laughed, letting her go.

"How pathetic you are" Jin shook his head "For now, I won't kill your friends but know this...if either of you try and escape, you will die and I will feed you to my creatures"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now