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Hana groaned as the alarm went off and she rolled over to turn it off. She sighed and sat up rubbing her eyes. The morning light peeked through the curtains and she forced herself to get out of bed, to get ready for college.

She quickly got dressed and skipped downstairs to see her parents in the kitchen. They smiled when she walked in and Hana made herself a bowl of cereal. She smiled as she ate and listened to her parents talk about what they were going to do while Hana was at college.

"Have a good day beautiful" Her dad said kissing her forehead.

"Bye!" Hana called and walked to the door "I love you both"

"We love you too sweetie" Her mum said waving at her.

Hana smiled and left the house, and breathed in the fresh air. As she walked down the path, she waved to her neighbours and headed to college. On the way, her friends met up with her.

"Hana!" Yoongi said pulling her into a hug "How was your weekend?"

"Not bad" Hana shrugged "Mum took me to see my cousins, but other than that I spent most of my time sleeping. I'd ask what you did, but all you do is sleep"

"You aren't wrong there" Yoongi grinned at her.

"I'm hoping that we are in the same classes again" Taehyung said "Or class will be boring"

"Who knows" Hana said.

Please wake up.

"Did you say something?" Hana asked the two boys walking beside her.

"No" Taehyung said "Are you hearing things?"

Hana looked around "Maybe I need more sleep"

The teacher was talking but Hana wasn't paying attention. She was watching the leaves float around in the wind and watched other classes being made to run around the field. She smiled as she saw Taehyung drop to the floor complaining and she turned back to the teacher, who was know staring at her.

"Miss Hana" She said "Did you think you could get away that easily?"


"I said, are you paying attention?"

"Oh" Hana said "I'm sorry. I guess I was distracted"

The teacher sighed "You can get distracted by boys outside of lesson time. For now, please listen to me"

"Sorry" Hana mumbled and tried to listen to the teacher, but her mind kept floating away.

Come back to me Hana.

Hana spun around in her chair as she heard voices in her ear, but no one sat behind her. She felt her heart race and she turned to face the teacher. Hana screamed and jumped to her feet as she saw the teachers face morph into something else. The bright red eyes glared at her and the smile it gave her sent shivers up her spine.

"Hana" Yoongi said waving his hand in front of her face "What's wrong?"

"Can you not see that?"

"Umm, Hana" Yoongi said "Are you feeling ok?"

Hana looked back at the teacher and gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. The teacher was just frowning at her, looking at her like she was a freak. Hana grabbed her things and ran out the classroom with Yoongi calling after her.

As she ran through the college, voices were floating around her head and she ran up the stairs, bursting through the doors to the roof. She ran to the side and tried to calm her breathing. The wind picked up her hair and let it fall across her face.

Hana closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You're just tired Hana" She said to herself "There's no voices and your teacher is just ugly"

"That's not a very nice thing to say"

Hana jumped at the voice and turned to see the teacher standing there.

"I'm sorry miss" Hana said "I'm just really tired and-"

"You can't escape me" The teacher chuckled "I won't let you die, because that means I will die and I have a lot more things to do"

"What are you talking about?" Hana asked "I don't-"

"Tut, tut" The teacher wagged her finger at Hana "How could you forget me? After all, I am the only one who is able to bring you back to life"

"What is wrong with you?" Hana said, feeling her heart race "I'm alive right now"

The teacher laughed and walked over to her "Did you know that if you die in a dream, you die in real life?"

"That's just a myth" Hana said "Why are you looking at me like that? Stay away!"

The teacher reached forward and grabbed her shirt "I've changed my mind...I'm sure I can get into another human. You are weak Hana and I have no more use for you"

Hana screamed as they threw her over the wall and Hana grabbed hold of the edge, holding on with all the strength she had.

"Well that didn't work as I had hoped" The teacher sighed "You have caused me more problems than one could ever imagine. All you had to do was kill that fucking king and we would have ruled Hell"

"I don't under...stand" Hana said as images rushed through her head. She blinked away tears and struggled to pull herself up "Pull me up!"

"No. You are going to die" The teacher chuckled "I've no use for you anymore. Good bye Miss Hana. I'll tell Hoseok that you died a long and painful death"

Come back to me, Hana. I need you.

Hana's eyes went wide and she screamed, as the teacher stomped on her fingers. Her scream was lost in the wind as she slowly tumbled towards the ground. Her hair whipped her face and her tears stung her eyes. 

The teachers face became smaller but there was no hiding the big grin as Hana fell closer to her death. Hana cried out one last time and a name tore through her screams.

"Hoseok!" She cried and she closed her eyes, remembering the handsome face that she had fallen for. The handsome face that made her feel things that no one had made her feel before. The devil that saved her from killing herself before.

Memories of Jimin flooded her eyes and she cried out once more, even though she knew that the pleas would be lost in the wind. She squeezed her eyes shut once more and crashed onto the ground.

There was no pain. In fact, she didn't feel a thing. 

Slowly, she opened her eyes and gasped as she stared into Jimin's eyes.

"Miss Hana" He said, quietly "You're ok. I got to you in time"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now