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it was four days after, on the tuesday, when the tiny boy returned.

harry was client-free, the only one in the parlour that was, he sat cleaning and sterilizing his needles while searching for new designs that he could practice.

he eyed his attire curiously. nothing seemingly 'boy-ish' on him, it was rare to see boys dress like this so publicly and unafraid. a soft pink sweater tucked into a little black skirt and white combat boots.

"don't you have school?" was zayn's way of greeting him.

the boy fixed his skirt and then seated himself on a chair with a pout.

harry couldn't help but think that the boy looked so out of place.

"well, don't you?" harry asked.

"they won't let me in..." he huffed.

"why is that?" zayn frowned only glancing up a little from his client.


it seemed that the boy hadn't forgotten zayn's nasty attitude before and was now dutifully ignoring him.

"your hair is pretty," he instead said to harry. he then proceeded to hop off his seat and place himself in front of harry, his hands tangling in his hair without permission.


harry indulged him for a few seconds before removing his hands. it was almost impossible to ignore how he could hold both wrists with one hand.

"listen up, this is not a hangout, if we let you hang here, it'll attract the attention of other...teens."

the boy whined.

"i'll be good, i promise."

harry frowned, didn't he say he was seventeen?

"get lost kid," zayn chuckled the boy twisting in harry's hold as if it was a chore for him to stand still.

"please mister," harry looked into those baby blues, then at the boy's attire and it all snapped into place.

"sit." harry pointed to a stool before gesturing for zayn to follow him to the back.

"zayn... we can't just put him out."

"that we can, he's not our responsibility harry, if anything keeping him here will draw attention we don't need."

harry knew it was true. knew that the pastor and his wife in the church right next to the tattoo parlour was looking for an excuse to get his business shut down.

"we can't just leave the kid on his own."

"well take his phone, call his mother, just do something, but we can't keep him here harry."

harry took the scolding like a man, knowing zayn had a point- he was just unnecessarily aggressive.

"hey, what's your name?"

the boy looked up at him, his mouth a bit agape and eyes half shut.


"do you have a phone louis?"

"no, sir."

"do you have your parent's number by heart?"

"yes, sir. it's in my book."

harry typed in the numbers and headed in the back to make his call, letting the boy settle back and doze off again.

"hello, is this louis' parent?"



"do not let people walk all over you." -Author.

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