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do yourself a favor and look up the butter crisis on YouTube.


louis was sat on the floor in the living room drawing a picture of a daisy from memory as harry took care of the menu for the party.

his cheeks were flushed as he replayed earlier events. was it going to be like that every time? there'd be more times right?

after louis had calmed down from his orgasm, harry had untied him and sat next to him while asking a bunch of questions.

louis had flustered right over and only replied with nods and small no's.

"wow," louis muttered as images of the boner he had managed to give harry played in his head. it wasn't until he looked down that he noticed he had subconsciously started doodling harry's name in different styles.

he jumped when harry poked his head through the door. "liam's bout to be here any minute, open the door when he comes ok?"

louis casually covered his paper, his face flushed. "yeah ok."

harry frowned.

"what's wrong?" he asked fully coming into the room only causing louis to flush more as his gaze immediately went to harry's groin.

"lou?" harry stopped in front of him so they were eye level.

"nuffin, 'm fine."

harry's brows rose as he mumbled a silent, 'shit.'

harry stared for a moment before scooting forward and resting a hand on louis' cheek.

"hey sweetheart, can you go upstairs and make sure your bed is made?"

louis nodded quickly. "ok hazza."

he jumped up only for the bell to ring. louis gasped a big smile taking over his face as he bounced on his toes.

"can i say hi to uncle lee first haz?" louis begged jutting out his bottom lip a bit. "please haz."

harry sighed and barely nodded before louis took off towards the door and opened it with a big, "it's my birthday!"

he could softly hear liam's chuckle along with a 'happy birthday, tiny.'

harry was about to go greet liam himself when he spotted louis' drawing.

it was of a daisy in a field of dead plants. the drawing was spectacular but what caught harry's eyes was the fact that instead of signing his own name, louis had signed his. thrice.

he picked up the picture and folded it before placing it in his back pocket.

"hey harry," liam grinned, harry hadn't noticed when he entered. "you did have it under control."

"yeah," harry hummed hugging his friend and leading him into the kitchen.

"niall is coming in a few," he plopped on the bar stool, "i see louis made a proper house wife out of you."

harry chuckled, "i was born to be a house wife," and with that he stuck out his tongue.

when the doorbell rang again, harry called for louis to open it.

almost immediately after, louis stomped into the kitchen and wrapped an arm around harry with a subtle pout.

before harry could question it, niall came bouncing in with a big grin on his face while dragging a fluffy bag.

"hey boys!"


"blood still stains when the sheets are washed. sex don't sleep when the lights are off. kids are still depressed when you dress them up, and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup" -Melanie Martinez.

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