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here's your triple update as promised. there's an A/N on the last update, i'd appreciate if y'all gave it a read.


louis was seven spanks in before he started to cry.

a soft noise that was buried into harry's thigh that was already damp from louis' inability to keep his mouth closed.

it was on the eight that his back curved and he let out a much louder and choked sob. harry paused for a second rubbing the very spot harshly and causing louis' body to stutter in confusion.

"what's your color baby?"

louis kept his face buried let in out soft whimpers and sobs but pushing his ass back into harry's hand as if to tell him to continue.

frowning, harry held the back of louis' neck, pulling him up until he could see his face. the position itself awkward yet oddly arousing for louis.

"louis, what is your color?"

louis swallowed, his tongue heavy and his eyelids dropping, "green sir."

harry studied his face for a second before helping him back down, louis letting out a soft sigh once his head was once again on harry's thigh, his ass in the air.

the next spank was quick and left a sting on louis' ass. louis only had time to gasp and choke slightly on it before the last one was delivered and he was being pulled up.

harry positioned him so that his ankles locked around harry's spine and louis' hand held onto his shoulder.

louis squirmed, sitting on his redened butt a struggle in itself. his lips were puffy and red from biting them and his eyelashes stuck together leaving a moist shine to them creating an obscene image for harry.

harry leant down and pressed a soft kiss unto louis mouth before pulling back and leaving their foreheads together.

"you're so pretty."

louis preened his lips tugging into a smile before he reached up to kiss harry again this time opening his mouth hoping harry would deepen the kiss.

harry smiled accepting louis kiss.  he kept the kiss soft and firm at first, louis sucking sweetly on harry's tongue, harry pulling louis impossibly closer, both hands firmly on each cheek.

they went at it for about two minutes, tongues clashing, lip biting and all the works until louis gently gnawed at harry's bottom lip and he lost it.

he stood, turning louis around before pressing his onto the bed and fitting in between his legs.

harry detached his lips in favor of sucking a bruise onto louis' neck. louis panted softly, one hand in harry's hair, the other on his lip as he started dazed at their bedroom ceiling.


harry hummed moving onto his third hickey.

"harry, can i suck your cock?"

harry paused.


"Anything you say can and will be held against you so baby only say my name." -Fall out boy

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