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"harry, you can't be serious."

harry sighed for the millionth time, he was just thinking the same.

"he's underage, you'll put us in so much trouble, and it not like the tattoo is small either, have you thought-"

"you're right," harry sighed mostly fed up of hearing zayn's complains.

throwing the other male an annoyed look, zayn took up a wet wipe and wiped away a bit of blood from his client.

the little bell dinged.

speak of the devil, harry thought as louis appeared with a big gummy smile on his face.

"hello, mister harry."

harry did not miss the accusing glance zayn sent his way.

"wow," harry's client sucked in a breathe, "hey boy, come here."

louis eyed the man wearily before deciding on sticking out his tongue and jumping on a tall stool next to him.

"what are you wearing?" the man asked, seeming unbothered by louis' antics.

harry was wondering the same damned thing.

today was saturday, meaning no school but that didn't explain why louis was all the way in harry's parlour in just a shirt and thigh highs.

louis looked at himself seemingly innocent enough, "clothes..."

"kid hasn't anyone ever thought you modesty? you're basically screaming for danger."

if harry stabbed the man a little harder than necessary, he wouldn't say.

"it's his body, let him do as he likes."

zayn was full on frowning at the man who turned a bewildered face at him.

"he's a boy, not a prostitute," he sputtered, "this is wrong on so many levels."

louis scanned himself again before crossing his petite legs.


harry didn't know which annoyed him more, the way the man felt entitled to tell louis what to wear or the way louis felt entitled to fix himself even a little to please the bigot.

"Listen pal," harry started, not one for confrontation, but one that was pretty good at it anyway, "anyone in my shop is allowed to wear, do and express themselves as they see fit as long as goes along with my rules- and the law."

"i haven't broken any rules..."

harry finished up the last bit of his tattoo before pointing to the little diamond encrusted chart, designed by zayn in the corner of his shop.

"don't be an ass, rule number one."

zayn stifled a laugh. he had always thought harry's cursing to be cute or comical.

the man glanced at a nervous louis and an annoyed harry before giving up the fight.

"i'm sorry man...I didn't mean to disrespect you," another glance at louis, "- and yours."

without another word the man walked to the tip jar, placed two hundred and left.

that time harry did acknowledge the horrified look zayn sent his way.


"never apologise for you. you're as good as any other." -Author.

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