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idk how i feel about people calling my fic the dark side of wattpad tbh :(

"he's asleep," harry showed the other male, louis' apparent caretaker.

"i didn't know he comes here," liam sighed scratching the back of his neck, "this might be my fault..."

"i didn't know you had a kid," zayn butt in.

"he's not mine, i'm just supposed to watch him until his mother can continue to do so herself..."

"what's up with his mother?"

"um, i should get going, i have a board meeting in the morning."

harry watched as liam picked the tiny boy up with little to no struggle. he was way to small.

harry wondered if he ate properly.

the boy returned the very next day, fifteen minutes before harry was to close up.

harry had already dismissed all his other workers, including zayn.

"hey mister," he greeted, this time he was dressed in a blue sweater with a pretty white skirt, he seemed to have painted his nails too.

"hello, tiny," harry barely spared him a glance before finishing his cleaning up. "i have something for you."

"what is it?" the boy grinned, practically bouncing in glee at finally being acknowledged by the older male.

"on the counter," then harry headed in the back to put back his needles.

louis almost peed himself at the sight of the cookies. he picked up two of the chocolate-y treats and shoved them in his mouth.

"fanks, mister," louis grinned still chewing while picking up three more.

"slow down kid," harry frowned, "the name's harry."

"ok, mister harry."

harry ignored how close it sounded to master.

kid. this was a kid.

harry pulled a little stool up next to the boy.

"no pink today?"

"danté said I should wear more masculine colors, he said blue was masculine." louis mumbled still busy sticking way too much in his mouth.

"who's danté?"

"classmate." harry saw that louis did not want to talk about this danté, so he changed the topic.

"why do you want to get a tattoo so bad?"

the boy pulled down his sweater to expose his collarbone as if the tattoo was already there.

"it'll be pretty."

"you seem to like pretty things a lot," harry gestured to his clothing.

"i do," he nodded and gasped when he saw the little marshmallows at the bottom of the now near-empty bowl.

happy picked up his sketchbook, "describe the tattoo you want to me."


"it's ok to take time for yourself." -Author.

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