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well my life is just falling apart...nice. here's some teasing.


by the time harry had brushed his teeth, finished eating and cleaned up, a little over half an hour had passed.

"lou?" he called as he made his way upstairs. only slight shuffling was heard and harry just knew louis was up to something.

it was only when he tried to open the bedroom door that louis replied.

"no, wait harry," he rushed out stopping harry mid turn. "almost done."

harry didn't let his mind wonder on what louis could possibly be doing in there.

louis' an adult now, he can do as he pleases.

"ok," louis sounded unsure and kind if nervous," come in?"

harry hummed and pushed the door in. he looked at the dresser filled with tags and packages first before letting his eyes settle on louis.

harry gulped. fuck. he should've let liam come.

louis stood awkwardly next to the bed wearing something akin to a bra and a very see through lace skirt.

now, this would be normal wear for louis if not for what was under the skirt. harry took a step forward before holding into the bed post in a poor attempt to hold himself together.

harry couldn't move his eyes from the way the underwear hugged louis' hips and his half hard cock.

harry opened his mouth to say something but only a noise akin to a growl came out. thus, he closed his mouth, cleared his throat, and tried again.

this time, he looked louis directly in the eyes. both their eyes mirroring the strain of keeping the distance between them.

"this isn't what you're wearing to the party right?"

louis knew what he should answer. like hell was he letting anyone but harry see him like this. but fuck.

he wanted harry to do it. to cross the room and show him why he shouldn't. without proper consideration louis looked at harry from under his lashes his hand running up and down the fabric if the skirt sending harry's eyes back there.

"was thinking about if i should," harry's eyes snapped back up to him, dark with dilated pupils. "what do you think?"

in about two steps harry was in front if louis. so close they were sharing the same air. louis' breathing stuttered a bit as harry's hand joined him in rubbing the fabric of the skirt.

"hmm," harry hummed, his voiced octaves deeper and hooded. the sound of it weakening louis and forcing a soft whimper out of him.

"how about i show you what i think?"


"You've got me nervous to speak
So I just won't say anything at all
I've got an urge to release
And you keep tellin' me to hold on
You've got me nervous to move
So I just won't give anything to you
You got me turnin' all around to be who you need me to" -The Neighborhood.

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