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the amount of support on the last chapter means so much to me ❤


harry was awakened by rough shaking by an annoyed louis.

he groaned and stretched before finally paying the boy any attention.

"hungry," louis pouted like the spoilt brat he was, arm across simply demanding.

"good morning to you too," harry rubbed his face before sitting up, "how'd you get in here?"

louis rolled his eyes before presenting a safety pin and hair pin. "easy peasy."

"ok criminal," harry murmured fully getting up and trudging past louis and into the bathroom. louis following him around like an incessant fly.

"hungry hazza," louis urged again ignoring the fact that harry had his own needs to fulfill first.

"be patient," harry murmured toothbrush between his lips, "did you brush?"

louis hesitated before he ran to his bedroom to get his toothbrush.

"no running," harry hissed making his way to the kitchen.

while harry was on the stove, louis reappeared and sat on the island benches.

he stared at harry's grumpy face, scrunched up and puffy. harry wasn't a morning person and he was going to take full advantage of it.

"omelet?" louis asked batting his lashes at harry who gave him a look.

"even better, bacon and eggs."

"i can't," louis huffed kicking his foot up on the counter, it was uncomfortable but he knew it peeved harry, "i'm vegan."

harry smacked his ankle off with a sigh, "you had ice cream yesterday."


"vegans don't eat dairy products, louis," harry informed him setting his plate out and filling it.

"firstly," louis huffed picking up the fork harry handed him and disregarding the knife, "i'm a special type of vegan."

harry grabbed his hand before louis could scoop the bacon into his mouth, "it seems like i didn't hear a thank you."

"that's cause you didn't," louis grinned before munching on the delicious breakfast harry prepared for him.


"i'm only playing," louis giggled at harry's ill morning attitude, "thank you very much mister harry."

harry was about to retort when his phone rang, "hello?"

"hey, haz its zayn, i need a favor."

"what is it?"

"put lou on the phone please."

"um, why?"

"don't ask just put him on."

soon as harry handed lou the phone and the blue eyed boy saw the caller id he grabbed the device and ran out of the room.

it would only make sense for harry to be worried. zayn was like a sexy devil's incarnate and louis was straight up a cute version of the devil when he's ready.

but what could he do? so he simply resigned himself to his fate.


"tell the mirror what you know she's heard before. I don't wanna be you...anymore." -Billie Eilish.

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