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Hoe hoe hoe, merry //belated// crixmas.


"oh my god," louis lapped his puffy pink tongue on the spoon. "this has to be my favorite."

harry chuckled watching the boy greedily eat the ice cream, "you've said that about the last three."

"yes, but i'm sure about this one," he nodded quickly, clearly having consumed way too much sugar, "it's so good."

harry took another spoonful of his, "i think the golden vanilla is still my favorite thus far."

louis mimicked him in a drawn out drawl before sticking his tongue out, "suck it, this mint chocolate chip is the best, you just have no taste buds."

harry scoffed before signalling the waiter, "i'll have the rest bagged to go."

"no," louis whined earning a look from harry, "please, haz wanna eat more here, please," he pouted, ice cream smudged unto his bottom lip.

"you'll have it for when you're going back to lee's, but it's already late lou, don't want you to be so hyper that you can't sleep tonight."

louis crossed his arms with a huff, slightly moving the table cloth, "not hyper, want it now."

the waiter then came with the bill, which harry paid, all the while being glared at by louis.

"it wasn't up for debate lou, now finish up so we can go."

"but it's not even that late," louis groaned picking up harry's phone and checking the time, which read 9:35pm.

harry pointedly ignored his childish fit, instead again warning him to eat his ice cream quickly.

when the boy crossed his arms in protest and refused to touch the ice cream, harry simply asked the waiter to clear the table before holding louis' hand and exiting the restaurant with the bag in his other hand.

louis fumed in the front seat as harry buckled him in, and then like clockwork let it all go and started fiddling with the buttons on the radio.

harry rolled his eyes at the boy but left him because he didn't really care what they listened to.

what he did not expect was for the pure atrocity called, "baby shark," to be playing, and if he was being quite frank he should've known louis would like it.

louis jumped up, clapped his hand twice and began singing along, "mummy shark! doo doo doo doo doo doo!"

harry groaned and lowered the volume, so louis simply increased his, basically screaming in harry's ear.

"daddy shark! doo doo doo doo doo doo!" He clapped even harder and grinned all the while staring at harry's frowny face.

"louis," harry simply said in warning as after his second cup of ice cream louis' had been- in the simplest form, misbehaving.

harry did nothing as his ways of punishment was just a little different and possibly illegal.

louis had simply thought he'd gotten away, and thus continued his bad behaviour but harry had something planned for him.

"harry?" louis said in the sweetest voice harry had heard for the entire day. he was so zoned out that he didn't realize the song had changed.

"yeah?" harry murmured turning to face him for a split second.

"how do you replay a song?" and just like that the moment was broken.


"some girls like girls and boys got a boyfriend, i like men and they like me, we hold hand make out and do all the things that lovers do." -Matt Fishell.

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