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"harry!" zayn whisper yelled when he saw his best pal walk in.

harry let out a small smile knowing exactly what to expect as zayn took big steps towards him.

"so you really just left me huh?" he crossed his arms. "all by my lonesome. with these losers?"

he turned around, "except you ted, love you."

"no need to be dramatic, i'm back now," harry chuckled and then gestured to louis, "had to help this one feel better."

zayn turned to louis and squinted his eyes, "thief, he's mine."

louis stuck out his tongue before giving zayn a gummy smile. silly zayn, harry was all louis'.

"ellio refused to get tatted until you came back," ian stated, pulling harry back to the true reason he came.

"in fact, it turns out you have a lot of loyal customers," zayn turned stuffing a pancake into his mouth and continuing to clean his needle.

"that's 'cause he's the best," louis teased before skipping over to his seat and crossing his legs.

giving ted a pat on the shoulder, harry headed to the back to get his stuff.

"you ok?" zayn questioned, gathering some ink and hesitating in the doorway.

"why'd you ask?"

"you look stressed, even more stressed than when you had to take care of me, which i'm high key jealous of by the way but this isn't about me," zayn leant on the door frame and let the worry take over his facial features.

"he's a handful," harry chuckled choosing to ignore that very zayn like part, "i can handle it, no need to worry."

"i'm not worried about you," zayn huffed secretly pleased that harry was ok, "as i said, no one takes me seriously, and you leaving for the last week proved it."

"was tiny zay stressed?" harry teased making an obnoxious pouty face.

"shut the fuck up, asshole," zayn hissed causing harry to chuckle as they both headed back into the front room only to see louis sitting cross legged on the counter talking to ben.

a customer was already waiting for harry to be back and harry roughly made her out as the one that got the mermaid tattoo.

they immediately got down to business harry really happy to be back to doing what he loves.

"harry?" louis called out still on the counter, this time casually swinging his legs.


"will you be closing up for christmas?" harry realised louis couldn't make eye contact with him, instead focusing on his shoes.

"from a week before, yeah."


harry was about to ask why when his client spoke up, "you going home for christmas?"

harry shrugged before stilling her movements and continuing his work, "might invite them to come spend christmas with me instead."

she hummed seemingly pleased with that answer.

"got some things i need to be here for," harry murmured so softly that even she didn't hear.

harry was sure his mum would simply love to see what his had done with the place since last time. and what he had done with his life.


"i don't know what the hell you're going to do when your looks start depleting and your friends all start leaving, you're so plastic and it's tragic." -Two Feet.

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