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dedicated to Gemini_1864, we stan a funny queen xx.


"hello mister harry, hello teddy and ian and zen and benny and devvie and ronnie," the twink came in grinning.

harry rose a brow but smiled back, immediately breaking his sandwich in half and giving it to louis who harry would proudly say was fattening up.

"what's got you in such high spirits?" zayn asked from on his stool beside harry.

"three more months," louis grinned.

"three more months until?" harry prompted.

"until you can legally tatt me up!" He threw his arms in the air his gummy smile never leaving.

"someone's excited," ian laughed from his station tatting up a drunk, giggly nineteen year old.

"very, ronnie was helping me come up with ideas for ankle tattoos," he told ian.

ted raised a brow at ron who just gave a guilty smile.

"how come ted never talks?" louis asked out of literally no where, already heading over to the lad who was free.

"teddy's mute," ian answered for his fiancé.

"oh," louis murmured before leaning up on his toes and giving ted a kiss.

"be careful there," zayn teased an evil glint in his eye, "we wouldn't wanna make harry jealous now would we?"

louis turned to zayn, the two having developed a friendship harry couldn't seem to understand.

"of course not," louis grinned back, just as mischievous before skipping over to harry and sitting in his lap.

out of reflex, harry wrapped an arm around his middle and secured him as louis reached up and left a lingering kiss on harry's cheek.

ian scrunched up his face like a child and teddy winked, his signature move really.

"ok, enough gross," ian scolded as harry hummed and tucked his chin in louis' neck, something that had become way to natural.

"louis do you think it's enough," harry asked, mostly to tease ian.

louis grinned at him and shook his head no, really quickly- like worryingly quick.

harry scoffed before peeling the boy off him, "the law would disagree."

"age is just a number," zayn hummed way to loudly for it to be a coincidence even though he did have one side of his earphones in.

ian caught on fast though and immediately put in his opinion on the statement.

"-and jail is just a place."


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