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"is harry better today?" louis asked harry swinging his legs on the stool and eating some odd candy.

"mhm," harry hummed and continued a tattoo similar to the birds on his chest for a girl who'd been telling him she wanted it for a while.

"and ian's back," harry glanced up at the loud intro deciding to give the girl who was trying so hard not to cry a break.

"hey man," he grinned putting the tattoo gun down by the sink and walking over to give his best pal a hug.

"harold, zen, teddy, ronny, devvie, and big old benni," he greeted having not seen any of the men for a while.

all responds with variations of 'hi' except for ted who winked.

"who's this?" ian asked already walking towards his fiancé but his curiosity getting the better of him on the way.

louis jumped off the stool and walked to the bulky man a hand out, "hello, mister, i'm louis."

ian stooped to seem less intimidating even if it didn't seem to bother louis. "aren't you to young to be in here?"

if he had looked up, he would've seen teddy shaking his head as if to say to forget it.

"i'm very big, i'm seventeen," louis said proudly.

"neat," ian replied his eyebrows raised giving harry a questioning glace. why is everyone's first thought, to blame harry.

"i'm guessing he's going to keep coming until he turns eighteen," harry shrugged going back to start the process of cleaning his needle all over again.

ian passed the boy a curious look before ruffling his hair and heading over to ted.

harry almost made louis turn away when ian leant over and kissed his boyfriend before heading in the back.

louis mouth fell open and zayn rolled his eyes with a sigh. trying to play nice little stepdad to woo liam.

"well nevermind about keeping it pg13 then," zayn sighed in way of greeting ian.

ian glanced at louis, then at harry, "i guess not."


peace is overrated, war is overrated, happiness is overrated, sadness is overrated, not being you is overrated, being you is underrated.

a/n : a lot of you are confused so i'll explain, ian and ted are engaged,  zayn didnt kiss anyone, ian kissed ted and ted winked at Ian because he's mute. pls stop being mean to ted he's literally the sweetest character :(

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