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harry had no idea why his first thought was louis.

in fact, he didn't care enough to think about it too long. instead, he just grabbed the plushies and stuck them in his basket with all the other unnecessary things he was buying.

when harry was finished, he made his way to the tattoo parlour.

it was harry's day off yet he found himself driving in the direction of his parlour.

louis was already there, arguing with an annoyed zayn.

"i vote louis," ian said giving zayn a teasing smile.

ted eyed him warily basically telling him to stay out of it.

"harry!" louis squealed dropping the argument on the whole and running for the other male.

harry gave him a quick side hug before carrying his stuff inside, all the way to the back.

"did you get the beef jerky?" zayn had an addiction.

harry flung the pack at him, which zayn easily caught before giving out the rest of items.

gum for ted, beer for ian, an egg sandwich for ron, a ham sandwich for devon and energy drinks with a pack of gummy worms for benjamin.

the last bag, he tucked under his arm and made his way to the kitchen with, knowing louis was following him.

"i got something for you," harry said finally as he stocked the fridge with the drinks he brought.

louis tilted his head before hoisting himself up onto the kitchen counter, right next to a knife that zayn hadn't put away properly.

louis shouldn't be in here.

"i didn't ask for anything?" louis began the signature kicking of his little legs and knocked over a new box of ink.

harry slid himself between louis legs, one hand on his knee to still him, the other presenting him the bag.

with very greedy hands, harry might add, louis opened the bag and let his mouth form an 'o'.

" 's pretty," louis mumbled before sticking his nose in it. if harry had doused it in his perfume, he'd never say.

"like it?" harry asked.

"yes, thank you mister harry," louis flushed before wrapping harry's head in a hug.

whatever it looked his when ted walked in, harry didn't mind, and it seemed ted didn't either.


"consent is not sexy, consent is a basic right." -Author.

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