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analiz1704 : how long do you think the story's going to be?

author : i'm estimating like fifty chapters but it could really be more or less.


larry_lover_28 : for all characters; kinks?

zayn : *pulls out seven foot long list* where do i begin?

liam : haven't really had much time to think or explore any, but i do have a fetish for lingerie.

harry : pet names are exhilarating, like baby, love, daddy, master, sir. bdsm is also um, nice. love me some ropes or hand cuffs, even a gag. let's not forget about orgasm denial, or milking.

louis : *flushed* what he said.

*ian grabs his fiancé and runs away*

nanny that was taking care of louis : what's milking?


gstardavis : for all characters, what's your sexuality?

zayn : i'm pansexual. the roundness of pans just get me so-

harry : oh, i'm bisexual. came out at twelve.

louis : big gay, next.

dantè : asexual.

liam : i'm demisexual.

author : we love diversity f♡ck dem straights...jk.


jacklilac : to harry, do you see louis as a friend or do you see him as more than a friend? to louis, do you want harry as your friend or do you want him as your boyfriend?

harry : haven't been allowing myself to think much about it because if our age gap. but definitely the latter.

louis : error, why is husband not an option?


Queen0016 : harry what are your plans for your little brat when he's legal?

harry : *cracking his knuckles* i think some punishments are long overdue.


vixen218 : for louis and harry, what do you like about each other?

louis : harry's really smart, mature, kind and rich. oh and he's pretty with big hands.

harry : he's bold, especially for someone so tiny, yet he tries to make everyone happy. he's cute and confident. there's really nothing not to like about him honestly.


ziall_larry_MA_SHIPS : for louis, kinks?

louis : harry.


infinitybabeh : for zayn, do you like louis and harry together?

zayn : haven't seen harry genuinely interested in anyone for a while. it's nice, plus louis is pretty cool.


TiresomeShimmer : for louis, have you ever had dirty thoughts about harry?

louis : i wouldn't call em dirty, sexy is more like it c;


AgusLima3 : for harry, now that louis' legal will you finally do something about your feelings?

harry : *clears his throat* i'll have to introduce him to my lifestyle first and see if he is willing to be part of it. wouldn't want him to feel pressured.


musicbooks_life : for louis, when did you start dressing the way you dress?

louis : i've always liked pretty clothes and mummy always told me i could wear whatever i want so forever i guess. i miss her.


musicbooks_life : for harry, when did you get into bdsm/ cgl?

harry : i started pretty young at the fresh age if sixteen, a year after i met zayn actually, he introduced me into the lifestyle.


TellThemTheSame : for liam, do you know zayn? i want ziam :c

liam : zayn and i were actually pretty good friends before my promotion and the whole issue with louis' mum. i met him at the- um, a club. *coughs*

zayn : honestly liam, rail me.


PapiChubi : to louis, why don't you do harry already?

louis : ask harry.

harry : *rolls his eyes and drags louis away muttering about being spoilt.*


bout me!

i firstly want to say its up to you which pronouns you use but i prefer they/them pronouns as i dont really identify with any gender. calling me mummy/ daddy in the comments are 100% ok and yes i am a switch but i have a dom lean, thanks for reading!

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