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"niall," liam brightened hugging one of his best mates, "haven't seen you in a while."

niall flushed, "been here and there," a quick glance at harry that only louis caught, "getting my life together and such."

niall turned his attention upon louis, "happy birthday little man, eighteen is a big hurdle."

louis didn't reply, he simply stared his gaze hard and his grip on harry tighter.

harry shoved him gently with a frown and a questioning gaze.

niall on the other hand just powered on, "brought him a couple of gifts, i do think harry would be most suited to give it to him though. just some stuff from me shop."

liam's face whipped around. he gaped at niall a bit before turning to harry with furrowed brows. then he just let it go.

"i left my gifts in the car," liam got up, "i'll just bring them in now."

niall handed the bag to harry and turned around, "let me help you get them."

as soon as they left harry turned to lou, "what was that?"

louis avoided his gaze, "what was what?" he mumbled pulling on the strings for harry's sweater pants.

"what's that attitude louis, don't play with me," harry snapped pulling his string away so louis was forced to focus, "what's niall ever done to you?"

louis bit his lips and looked down, "nothing.."

"so why don't you like him?"

they stood in silence as louis shuffled his toes awkwardly yet never answering.

harry sighed, "look it's fine, maybe next time try to at least be decent with him," he tilted louis' face up, "ok?"

"ok," louis mumbled before fisting the front of harry's shirt and pulling him into a kiss.

harry chuckled at how louis had insisted on kissing him as much as possible even though he barely knew how to do it.

"later, right?" he peppered some kisses on louis' slightly agape mouth. "we agreed on later."

"why can't later be now?" louis whined wrapping his arms around harry's neck.

"because now we have guests," harry untangled his arms," and one of those guests happen to be your uncle, who we haven't told yet."

louis pouted and settled for hugging harry as tight as he could. "want now."

"but you will get it later."

"geez," zayn entered with a big ass grin on his face, "he's always begging for something isn't he? what's he begging for now?"

louis stuck his tongue out at his new best friend before wrapping him in a hug, "i was begging him to lock you out."

"of course you were," zayn rolled his eyes before addressing harry, "can i stay the night?"

"no!" louis immediately hissed and pushed zayn, "tonight is me and harry's time. alone."

zayn nodded in understanding before a sly grin split his face, "so y'all fucking?"


"oh how close the moon and the star was. wonder what happened to make them so repulsed by one another." -Author.

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