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dedicated to ChubbysBunnys, i always smile when reading your comments, xx.


over thinking is bad, and so is smoking, yet harry couldn't stop himself from doing either.

it was thursday night and harry was not prepared for the day that followed. harry had a history of messing up nice gestures, either by saying something stupid or simply being stupid.

he's even unintentionally hurt people while trying to do nice things and he simply couldn't allow himself to hurt the tiny boy.

they'd agreed on a simple ice-cream date, but only as dessert, considering liam allowed the other lad to have louis for the evening portion of the day, after work and louis' schooling was done.

then louis would sleep over and liam would pick him up saturday evening. liam had even came earlier on to drop off an entire suitcase for the young boy, that louis had packed himself.

harry went to unpack it only to see a tiny note in rushed cursive saying, 'don't go through my stuff, uncle Li says that's rude.'

all harry could think was that it was such a louis thing to do, so he zipped it back up and dragged it to the room opposite his.

he thought that he was calm, yet here he was pacing on his balcony with a cigarette wondering whether or not he should call and cancel.

instead he took a deep breath, putted his cigarette and went to the bathroom.

harry was left to replace his favorite bath soap after louis had used most of the bottle in his bath last time he visited.

yet, he couldn't use it anymore, it simply didn't feel like it belonged to him, so he's been using a new kiwi scented one that turned the bathtub blue for some reason.

harry slowly let his head sink under the water and then sighed as he resurfaced, the warm wonder working wonders in calming him.

just then harry heard his phone ringing.

whispering a silent, 'fuck', he grabbed a towel and ran to the living room, silently hoping he doesn't slip.

"hello?" he answered on the last ring barely grasping his phone in his slightly damp hand.

"hi, mister harry," louis breathed out on the other side of the phone.

"oh, hey, change of plans?"

"um, no just wanted to make sure you still wanted to..."

harry heard a quiet scoff in the background along with a mutter of 'pussy' from someone that sounded eerily close to zayn.

"nah, i'm still in if you are," harry replied already making his way back to the bathroom.

"ok, well see you tomorrow, hazza," louis whispered before making an obnoxious kissing noise that made harry chuckle.

"see ya, lou."


"you make my heart shake, bend and break but i can't turn away and it's driving me wild." -Troye Sivan.

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