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"don't wanna go home," louis suddenly whined during the movie they had decided to watch together.

louis had insisted on this movie, 'aquaman,' simply gushing about the main character, then fitted himself half on top harry, half on the seat.

harry hadn't agreed with his choice wanting to rewatch, 'the hangover' but he let louis have his way, as usual.

"uncle lee will miss you," harry murmured still mostly focused on the movie that was actually pretty good.

"no he won't, uncle lee is barely ever home, he was work," louis pouted now fully focused on harry. "harry spends time with me."

"liam has custody over you while your mother is getting better, if i keep you that's kidnapping, i'm way too pretty for jail, lou." harry teased running a hand through louis hair which the boy smacked away and sat up.

"but I'm almost legal, wanna stay with harry," he complained, upset by harry's lack of wanting to keep him.

"when your legal then you're more than welcome to stay, not before then.",

"but that's a month away!"

harry chuckled, "less than a month, stop being dramatic let's watch the movie."

"why doesn't harry want me?" louis whined his voice raising an octave, "i'm behaving now."

"again lou, i can't kidnap you, that has nothing to do with whether or not I want you."

louis pouted, "uncle lee won't report you, in fact, i'll call and ask."

"no you won't, you're going to watch this movie, then we're going to eat and lee is going to pick you up," harry frowned at louis' stubborn behavior.


"it wasn't a question, lou."

in a fit of rage louis got up and stomped to the stairs, while he was at the bottom of it he turned and yelled, "if I have to go, i want to go now!"

then he stomped the rest of the way up and slammed his door. harry rolled his eyes before pausing the movie and following him.

"louis," harry said evenly, he could feel his patience slipping," open this door."

"no, don't wanna see harry," louis hissed the hurt swirling in his voice.

"louis, i was not asking, open this door. now."

harry heard shuffling then a soft click.

he slid the door open and entered to find louis buried under his blankets.

ignoring the boy, harry began to pick up all the pieces of clothes laying around the room, fold them and place them in louis' suitcase.

curiously, louis peaked out of his blanket armor and stared at harry, "what are you doing?"

"well you said that if you can't stay, you want to leave now, i'm helping you get ready to leave now," harry lazily blinked back.

louis gaped at harry before he stuck his head back in his blankets, giving no retort.

it was a matter of seconds when harry heard a soft sob from under the blankets.

with a sigh, he sat next to the little sushi roll.

"louis, look at me."

louis moved the blanket from on his head but didn't look at harry with his wet eyes.

"why are you crying?"

"harry doesn't want to keep me," the boy whined more fat drops falling down his face that he tried to wipe a away with a limp hand.

"yes he does, harry wants to keep you so bad," harry murmured pulling the boy on top of his lap, "but harry can't."

"why?" louis whimpered sticking his wet face in harry's neck.

"because louis' mum left lou with his uncle, and only with liam's permission can i take you," harry rubbed his back, "and with his sister ill i think he'll want to keep the next best thing with him, and that you, lou"

"liam needs you as much as you need him, lou. i can't be selfish, you've got to understand."


"i said fck me and feed me, and i'll be your diamond." -Rendezvous at two.

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