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harry was drinking a bottle of vodka chased with apple juice the next tuesday that louis walked in.

the bottle was capped so the scent wouldn't fill the room and worry his customers with his ability to do his work with alcohol in his system.

"hello mister harry," he grinned, it was that moment harry decided to place the bottle back in the fridge. It was now starting to kick in.

the boy wore all white today, his socks ending just below his knees, his skirt ending a bit before mid-thigh and he had on a white sweater that was tucked in.

he looked like an angel, thought harry.

"harry's a bit out of it today," zayn passed him a subtle glare. harry needed to get a grip on himself.

"hello, louis," it didn't feel like harry's voice, too deep, sultry and thick. almost as if he was trying to lure the boy to sleep...or rile him up.

the tiny boy's eyes widened and he glanced between harry and zayn before taking a little step towards the former.

"Whats wrong, mister harry?" his head tilted. harry liked it, wanted to make him do it until it physically hurt to watch.

harry was fine. harry is always great.

"nothing you need to worry about," zayn answered again this time shooting harry a blatant worried look.

"'m fine," he didn't know who he was saying it for.

he turned his attention back to louis with a predatory look, "you look good."

again, not his voice.

"t-thanks." the boy looked nervous- or uncomfortable.

zayn sighed, "i'll call liam."

harry kept his gaze on louis, his head surprisingly empty.

louis walked towards harry now- fully.

"are you sad?" he did that damned head tilt again. "when i'm sad, hugs help..."

when harry didn't react, louis practically climbed on top the older male's lap and wrapped tiny hands around harry.

louis smelt nice. harry hugged back.

"your brother?" someone asked, harry didn't care to recognise them, his head swirling from alcohol.

"friend," harry hummed hooking his chin in louis' neck and using his unique scent to sober him up.

harry ignored when louis whispered, best.

children trust too fast.


trust is fragile, if someone hands you their trust, water the plant...don't drop it.

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