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it took louis a week and four days before he came back to the parlour, and when he had, it was because his friend had practically dragged him there.

harry eyes how they came in matching outfits. louis in a white long sleeve with a little sun on the sholder and black shorts.

the girl wore the exact opposite, a black long sleeve with a little moon on the shoulder and white shorts.

the boy looked tense as he rubbed his shoulder and mumbled a hello.

ted gave a harry a look which he returned.

ian cleared his throat, "hey lou lou, haven't seen you in a while, who's your friend?"

harry silently thanked him for being the one to ask.

"um," the boy was avoiding harry's eyes, his cheeks a warm red. "allie this is ian, ian this is allie."

"it's spelt a-s-s-h-o-l-e, but pronouced allie," she deadpanned.

zayn snorted, but that was about it. no one else found the joke funny.

"nice to meet ya allie, im zayn, that's ted, benjamin, ian, devon and ron. the only chill one here is ted, everyone else are assholes."

harry would've scoffed if it wasn't for the way how the girl was staring him down.

she squinted her eyes before turning to louis, "this him?"

harry found the loud chewing of her gum to be very annoying.

louis flushed deeper, sneaked a peek at harry before looking back down and giving a small nod.

"i could see the appeal, he's hot." the poor boy looked like he'd faint.

harry simply raised a brow at her and continued to clean his tattoo guns.

when finished, harry looked at louis and nodded towards the back room. he didn't wait to see it louis followed.

"hungry?" was the first thing harry said directly to the lad.

"yes, thank you," he didn't jump onto the counter, just stood there awkwardly playing with his fingers.

"some friend you got there," harry said while heating up the pasta he had made for the last week and four days after liam had let it slip that it was louis' favorite food.

"she's really nice, just loves fierce," louis mumbled.

"where were you?" harry was starting to feel like a cop, so he let the question sound more curious than demanding.

"went to see mama," louis held the plate of pasta, sniffed it and then put a big spoonful in his tiny mouth and sighed from the taste.

"hows she?" liam had told him that the boy's mother had been diagnosed with leukemia.

the boy stayed quiet instead, eating his pasta and avoiding harry's eyes.

finally, the boy sighed and said in a voice smaller that harry had ever heard before, "i think she's leaving me too."

fuck. harry thought. he might just give the boy his tattoo- something to be happy about and fuck the system.


"was it a bad day or was it a bad five minutes that you made ruin your day?" -Author

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