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dedicated to anime-manga_yaoi, you're really sweet xx.


harry coughed, milk coming through his nose in shock. embarrassed, he placed the box down, wiped his face and picked up his tattoo gun, all in the span of a minute.

even zayn seemed flushed as louis pranced through the door in an extra-mini, miniskirt with fishnets and a long sleeved crop top looking like a proper lady of the night- with a twist.

"liam let you leave dressed like that?" zayn asked sounding just like a bewildered mother.

"uncle lee left first, before breakfast actually," louis said already dragging his stool next to harry's.

"hello mister, harry" he grinned.

"louis," harry acknowledged him with wary eyes before continuing the tattoo of a naked mermaid- quite similar to his on a female's arm.

"you're pretty," louis said, touching the girl's scrunched up face without her permission.

"thank you," she breathed, pain evident in her voice.

"does it hurt?" louis held her free hand and rubbed it.

"a little," she tried to play it off, harry didn't still his work nevertheless, the faster he got this done the faster she would stop being in pain.

"what's the story behind it?" louis asked as he picked up the sandwich that harry had left for him.

"freedom, they're free to swim anywhere in the ocean," she sighed, "i've always longed for freedom."

"freedom from what?"

zayn hissed something about being insensitive and minding his business, harry let him continue.

the girl gave out a dry laugh, "life, things in life," get voice got quieter, "people in life."

louis looked at harry as the man begun to gently wipe the tattoo. then louis leaned close to her eat, whispered an idea he had been thinking of for quite a while now.

something he craved more than a simple tattoo, or tattooes.

"let's runaway."

she let out a small laugh, she didn't take him seriously. rarely anyone did, and he didn't blame them.

who would take someone who dressed like a child seriously. putting on fishnets made him feel big but in that moment louis felt small.

he watched her as she walked out, giving her a tiny smile when she waved.

-and harry watched him when he walked out, doing a little grimace and wondering how he could help the lad.


every joke has some percentage of truth behind it...

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