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i wish you da best time of your life and all those dream day's coming through. C:


there wasn't much of a thought behind it. louis was harry's pretty little princess.

of course louis was going to get what he wanted. harry just needed to make sure it's what he truly wanted.

"you sure?" harry asked, his brain just one step behind on everything as his boy was simply breathtaking.

"please," louis whispered his hands trying to push harry off of him so he could just have his treat already.

as soon as harry allowed louis to roll his onto his back, louis was in between his legs, tugging his boxers down.

louis had his eyeful, lips tugged between his teeth and a hand subtly rubbing himself before he reached forward and nuzzled harry's hip.

he loosed a happy sigh before going for it. right as louis was about to stuff his mouth with dick, harry's hand tangled itself in his hair and tugged him up so that they were making eye contact.


louis nodded quickly before sucking harry's cock head into his mouth, all the while looking at harry with big innocent eyes.

harry groaned his hand now trying to lead louis down, which louis happily did.

louis was barely three inches in before he gagged. frowning he pulled his mouth off and studied harry's cock.

he had seen harry swallow his no problem so how is it he couldn't do it. he looked up a small pout on his face to see harry studying him, pupils blown and mouth slightly open. if that wasn't incentive, louis didn't know what was.

he dipped down again trying to go as deep as he could, his hands finally moving off harry's hip to grab the part of harry's cock that he couldn't reach.

"so good," harry moaned making louis preen with the praise and take another inch.

louis throat started to burn and he pulled off, sputtering a bit. harry's hand was still loosely tangled in louis' hair and louis would be lying if he said he didn't like the tugs harry did.

louis tried again slowly going down and swallowing as it seemed to get the most of a reaction out of harry. louis had just started to slight bob his head again head harry's other hand found louis hair and pushed him down another inch as harry's hip raised.

louis eyes widened and then shut tightly as he felt harry's cum at the back of his throat.

when harry's hand finally freed up, louis pulled back furiously coughing and staring at harry in awe only to catch harry's darkened gaze focused on louis' now flaccid dick.

louis didn't even realised he had came too. from sucking dick.


"Baby I wanna touch you. I wanna breathe into your world, see I gotta hunt you. I gotta bring you to me world. Baby I wann fuck you. I wanna feel you in my bones." -Meg Myers.

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