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"you've been in there forever," harry complains from behind the bathroom door.

"almost done," louis mumbled back, harry trying hard to ignore the scent of roses and strawberries.

"don't use all my body wash," harry sighed and was about to walk away when he heard rustling on the other side.

suddenly the door swung open, louis all wrapped up in a fluffy towel his skin a little pink from the heat and light smoke escaping the tub.

"come in," louis grabbed harry's arm making no room for argument, he dragged him in and close the door.

"louis?" harry asked confused but took a seat on a turned over bucket anyway.

the boy giggled before running back to the tub, "close your eyes harry, no peeking."

when harry closed his eyes, the boy stripped of the towel, folded it and dropped himself into the tub, the soap suds hiding his bits and pieces.

"okay, open." he smiled and splashed around a bit before looking at harry with his head tilted, "uncle lee usually watches me bathe."

harry mouth formed an 'o' and he nodded in understanding finally looking around. louis had used his strawberry bath bomb by the smell of it and the roses he had insisted on having were scattered around the tub and some on top the bath water.

the scent all in all was heavenly.

louis pouted a bit still looking at harry," why's harry so pink?"

harry coughed a bit into his fist, "the heat..."

"oh, let me open a window then," louis grinned, immediately standing up, his back facing harry and waddling over to the window in the back. he opened the latch before turn in around to see harry with his head in his hands.

"hazza?" the boy called out, not understanding why harry suddenly seemed ill. "are you ok?"

harry cleared his throat before looking up and focusing only on louis' face and not his lack of modesty. "i'm good, um... are you done with your bath?"

"needa wash my back," louis hummed skipping back into the tub and turning around again, "help hazza."

"yeah, yeah sure," harry rubbed his face before going to the edge of the tub with the loofa, he dipped it in the tub and rubbed it along his back.

"there, all done," harry sighed before raising up and turning his back so louis could leave the tub.

"thanks haz," louis grinned before bouncing out the bathroom. harry took one look at his crotch before sighing. he was going straight to hell.


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