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the end.


louis stood in front of the mirror, his fingers trailing the tattoo running from one shoulder to the other but his eyes staring at the must recent one on his thigh.

two years. it had been two entire years since harry had first tatted him. the small tattoo sat inbetween his collar bones. a small filled in heart.

it was a symbol of how much louis cared. a heart that so small that loved so largely and so deeply. in line with the heart was vines that traveled from the heart to the end of both his shoulders.

he hadn't told harry but every time he looked at it, he'd think if him. originally the vine was simply a pretty idea louis wanted. now it meant so much to him.

without realising, louis had allowed himself to fall apart without his mother. he had gotten so skinny, so fidgety and had oddly drawn into himself. harry was the one to notice, a complete stranger at the time, yet the light in louis dark mind.

harry had held onto that part of louis that just didn't want to let go, the part that didn't want to believe his mother was dying and harry had hoisted it right to the top. harry was louis' hope.

harry was louis' vine to hold him together when he was falling apart.

the small candies on either side of his hips reminded him of zayn. not only was zayn a snack, but he was also so sweet to louis; with side effects if course.

while harry had given louis hope, zayn was the one to give him his mischief back. there was just something infectious about zayn.

from the way he'd scream at you for being an idiot only to grow defensive if anyone even hinted you were such. the way he'd randomly pop up with the worst plans and somehow make them work.

johannah's name was written in soft cursive at the dip of louis' spine because his mother was always breaking her back to make sure he was happy. even when she wasn't.

"lou?" harry murmured a soft yawn following after as harry padded into the bathroom. his hair was tousled and his eyes almost glued shut.

"whatchu doing baby?" he slid an arm around louis waist and placed his chin between his shoulder and neck area.

"just thinking," louis smiled, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.



yesterday had been so special. first, harry had awoken louis to an all fruit breakfast then they lazed around for an hour just watching movies. suddenly, harry had gotten up and told louis to go change into something cute.

by the time he had changed and came back down, zayn, ian, liam, danté, niall, ted, devon, ron, allie, ben, anne and gem were all downstairs. anne looked as if she could see herself in excitement while everyone else looked just as confused as louis.

"harry?" louis had frowned and met him at the bottom if the stairway, "what's going on?"

"omg wait what?" zayn had suddenly exclaimed as if he had just figured out everything. "omg wait no. i was supposed to know before hand. harry i don't look cute enough for this occasion and it's your fault."

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