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harry soon found out that louis wasn't going to just change.


louis was going to be a complete tease.

as soon as harry dropped louis on the bed and stood by the doorway the boy hopped up.

he tugged at the bottom at his shirt a little, all while smiling up at harry innocently.

then, he pulled it off in one quick lift and sat right back down. harry was tense in no time. "louis?" he whispered roughly, his voice echoing a warning that made louis shiver.

"harry," louis pushed back even though he crossed his leg immediately to harry's tone.

"my mum is downstairs," harry's gaze was hard, "behave."

realising he wasn't getting his way, louis stood up stomping his foot once, an action harry's eyes followed, and pouted. "but i'm horny."

harry pressed his lips in a thin line before heading over to the closet himself, "here, it's cold," he mumbled throwing a hoodie towards him.

"im not wearing that!" louis snapped stamping his way towards his closet. immediately harry caught him by the jaw and tilted his head up, hard.

"watch the attitude, boy," he hissed making louis bite his lips and his eye contact to waver.

"apologise," harry demanded, louis' eyes quickly gaining moisture and they stared ruefully back at harry.

the two stayed in a staring contest for approximately thirty seconds before harry lost it.

louis squeaked as he was thrown quite literally on to the bed. he couldn't help but stifle a smile as harry looked around in the same box he had looked in to get the stuff from their first time.

only when harry turned around the thing in his hand looked nothing like a vibrator, or even a dildo.

in fact it looks like one of harry's many rings.

"hands above your head," harry ordered, his tone dark. louis easily complied, happy to be getting his way. he rose his hands and spread his legs eagerly.

when harry's hand gripped louis' thigh, heat spread throughout his body and louis' cock twitched taking interest.

a loud moan pierced the quiet room as harry started stroking louis, hard and fast as if he was in a rush.

louis twisted and turned until he couldn't take it anymore, he placed his hand on harry's to warn him he was going to cum, only to have it slapped right off.

"hands. over. your. head." and just like that, harry slapped the ring unto the base of louis' dick and let go.

louis hissed at the cold material and immediately tried to remove it only earning another slap and harry's hands holding his above his head.

"tell me something louis," fuck, was all that louis could think of, harry's voice was so husky that it almost made him want to cum too.

"didn't i tell you to behave?" louis whimpered in response.

"just wanted to cum," he tried begging with his eyes. harry hummed before flicked the tip of louis' still erect dick.

"that wasn't the question." louis felt too vulnerable to hold eye contact being fully naked and under harry while he was dressed.

"i-i, you did," louis was finding it hard to swallow.

"so you disobeyed me?" harry hummed his other hand tracing louis' skin, "that makes you what?"

"a bad boy?" louis whimpered trying to pry his thighs shut causing harry to pinch him right in the center of his thighs.

"and bad boys get what?"

louis could barely breathe with the way harry was staring at him so intently, "punished?"

harry hummed in agreement before getting up and finally letting louis go, "red is to stop, yellow is to slow down, green is to go," louis nodded quickly even though he barely understood, "let's begin."


"Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms"
-Ed Sheeran.

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