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harry would find the person who gave louis sugar and castrate them.

the boy was usually obedient, so it took harry a while to figure out why he was practically bouncing around the place.

harry was even more annoyed by the fact that he had a client and couldn't properly make the boy sit still.

he wasn't even sure if he would be able to take it if he scolded the boy and he broke down in tears. so harry stayed quiet.

"does it hurt now?" he asked harry's client who chuckled, amused.

harry wished he was amused by this. louis had nearly cut himself on needles about thrice now.

"i told you," she smiled, "i've gotten accustomed to it, only tickles a bit."

to make it worse, louis was in a skirt today, showing everybody all his assets as he ran, crawled and climbed on everything.

the boy stood from his stooping position and ran around to harry's side and wrapped his tiny arms around harry's broad middle and squished his head on the older male's back.

"will it hurt me harry?" harry wanted to scold him for shaking him while working but he couldn't. not as louis looked up at him- so sweet and trusting.

"maybe the first few times," harry told him while simultaneously peeling louis' hand off his waist and pointing to a stool with the gun, "sit."

louis skipped over before ungracefully plopping his bum down on the tiny stool harry may or may not had bought specifically for louis.

"mister harry," louis played with the pleats in his skirt, "what's your middle name?"

harry sighed, "edward," he said as he wiped the tattoo gently and began to wrap it.

louis' mouth formed an 'o' before turning to zayn.

"zenn," zayn glared up at him, "what's your middle name?"

zayn rolled him eyes and turned away, not having the energy to match the boy.

"what about you teddy?" louis said jumping up from his stool and hopping over to the counter.

"sit boy," some old man scolded, "you're raising my pressure with all that damned moving."

harry rose a brow but said nothing.

fully ignoring the man, louis hauled himself onto the counter. when he had managed to properly get himself up, he lay down and bent a knee.

that got harry moving, hooking the boy from under his armpits and placing him on his left leg.


-and with a quiet sigh, behave he did.

if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? well do it, because you never know when you'll die, it might very well be tomorrow.

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