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even if you guys didn't get what you wanted, at least you got this triple update right? //idk i just wanna make someone happy, sorry.//


louis claimed the room opposite harry's and put his suitcase next to the fluffy bed.

first, he pulled out his essentials, his stuffed animals, a binkie which he stuffed under his pillow, a blanket and his special cup.

then he took out the unnecessary stuff that lima forced him to bring, like his toothbrush and some plain clothes to be, 'appropriate.'

harry knocked on the door, "you done changing?"

louis chewed his lip before opening the door and revealing his new attire, a really big shirt that he bought himself just because it felt nicer.

"hungry," he simply said with a pout before looping his hands in harry's.

"ordered some pizza," harry smiled guiding lou to the living room," but i have to talk to you first."

louis frowned before sitting at the table seeing two folder pages and a pencil next to his chair. he pulled the paper towards him, read it and then gawked at harry.

"this for me?" he questioned already looking for an excuse to get out of it.

harry sat next to him, "you've had a little attitude today haven't you?"

louis pouted, "but-"

"i think this might help you learn to behave."

louis sputtered and looked at the paper again, the first line neatly wrote, 'i will learn to have to be respectful and behave myself properly.'

"but harry," louis started again looking at harry in disbelief, "this is a punishment... louis never gets punished..." and another signature pout.

"i could see that," harry nodded, "i hope this helps you rethink your behaviour, i'll let you off easy with fifty-"


"-i'll give you a break when the pizza arrives, until then you have to stay and write your lines."

louis again looked at the paper, involuntary tears welling up in his eyes, "what if i don't do it?"

"then i'd have quite a lot of ice cream to eat on my own," and with that harry patted him on his shoulder and left. he has dealt with brats before and louis was a certified one.

with an angered pout louis began to write.

when harry came back in louis was silently sobbing as he continued his lines, harry sighed at the sight.

"louis? pizza's here."

louis looked up, his eyes wide and tear filled, "just now, haz," he mumbled wiping his eyes, "got one more."

so louis scrawled his last sentence, leaned back and chewed his bottom lip nervously.

he still didn't move when harry removed the papers and placed a plate of pizza in front of him.

"good work, lou," harry praised even though the boy had scrawled basically everything.

"i'm sorry..." he mumbled a few more tears falling out, "i didn't mean to be bad..."

"that's fine, just don't make it happen again, look how good you're being now," harry replied, reaching over to thumb away louis' tears.

"harry forgives louis?"

"of course i do."


caz i may be bad but i'm perfectly good at it, sex in the air, i don't care i love the smell of it, sticks and stones might break my bones but chains and whips excite me.

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