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ive been in little space since grad and it won't go byebye hELP. thank lordt I prewrite chappies :>



louis' brain had been absolute mush since harry had dropped the l bomb.

he could do nothing but open and close his mouth with wide eyes even hours later. the older lad was only a few rooms across fixing up and helping his family get comfortable for the night.

meanwhile, louis was sat cross legged on harry's bed in nothing but harry's oversized shirt which he threaded through his fingers while biting his lip in thought.

of course he loved harry back. harry was like his dream husband but louis didn't know how to say that without his brain shutting down.

just as he began to sulk about the situation, harry silently entered locking the door behind him.

"hey, tiny," he cooed instantly send louis' mind into candy land. "what's wrong?"

what's wrong? it's not like harry had confessed his love earlier and made louis turn absolutely brain dead earlier or anything.

"nuffin," louis rushed out and flushed a deep red when his mouth represented what his mind felt.

harry smiled and paused in his movement of taking of his pants. "is that so?"

louis nodded hastily and grabbed the sheets so he could bury his face into it, if only to hide from harry's teasing stare.

"words, baby," harry hummed wrapping louis in his arms and situating both of them in the middle of the bed.


harry chuckled before placing a kiss on louis' cheek, "still fine?"

louis nodded and harry placed another kiss on the other cheek. "Still?"

louis nodded again and harry placed a kiss on his forehead, "how about now?"

another nod even though louis was becoming increasingly flustered. harry hummed placing another kiss on the tip of his nose. "how's my baby now?"

louis whined and tried to cover his face only causing harry to hold his wrists and place them in one hand by his stomach.

after a couple of seconds louis opened his eyes to see harry staring at him fondly. without much thought he leant forward and connected their lips.

even during the kiss harry couldn't stop smiling and so it became a clashing of poorly aimed teeth and tongue yet when they pulled back, louis giggled like a high schooler.

"so pretty," harry whispered using his free hand to rub louis' cheek and dip in for another, much smoother, kiss.

the change of atmosphere did it's job on louis, and soon he was rutting up into harry's hand with soft mewl being swallowed by harry.

louis pulled back to loose a whine into harry's collar bone only to be gently shushed by harry and turned so that he was straddling him.

"wanna play," Louis whispered so close to harry's lips that he tasted every word.

harry placed another soft close mouthed kiss unto louis' lips, "can't."

louis pouted, "why not?"

harry chuckled while running a soothing hand down louis' back in hopes to calm him. "because i have tiny right now, i only play with my big boy who likes kisses and being called pretty and lou."

louis scrunched up his nose, "no fair."

"loulou just isn't fair like that."


"Here to take my medicine, take my medicine
Treat you like a gentleman
Give me that adrenaline, that adrenaline
Think I’m gonna stick with you." -Harry Styles

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