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sorry for the late update, going through something and i'm overloaded with work.

"can't we eat out?" louis whined from the passenger seat if harry's car as they headed back to liam's house.

"depends, what are you feeling for?" harry hummed glad he didn't have to cook. he enjoyed cooking but finding a dish to fit louis very particular taste was hard.

"can we grab some mc-do's?"

harry shrugged and turned into the lane which led to a McDonald's branch.

louis practically ran in when harry parked and headed straight for the line.

harry simply watched as people let louis skip them in the line. this boy got away with too much simply because he was cute, if only they knew the attitude that came with it, harry thought.

five minutes later louis was skipping back to harry with their orders in hand.

"come on, i wanna eat it home," louis tugged harry's hand until they were both seated in the car.

"any reason your in such a demanding mood today?"

louis cocked his head in a confused gesture. he even had the audacity to give three innocent blinks.

"i'm not being demanding."

harry scoffed before starting the engine and driving out of the parking lot.

"harry why aren't you married?" louis suddenly asked staring at harry's side profile as the man blinked profusely in confusion.

"why do you ask?"

louis pulled his feet up onto his seat and stuck a thumb in his mouth.

"well your old and old people usually are married."

this time harry full on pulled his car up by the nearest stop and parked it.

"louis, how old do you think i am?"

"well i googled it and they said if you have your own business you're probably over thirty."

harry sat there in shock before a snort escaped him. before he knew it he was choking on laughter as louis gawked at him in confusion.

"i'm not thirty," harry finally said, "my grandparents and parents helped me make up enough money to buy the land so i got a quicker start on my business. i'm only twenty three."

"oh," louis flushed looking down and playing with his toes, "sorry."

"and as for why i'm not married," harry continued putting the car back into drive, "i'm working on my business and being fully stable before being fully committed like that."

louis nodded still not able to look harry in his eyes, if harry was twenty three then they were only five years apart.

harry was so responsible and mature for his age. louis squeezed his thighs together and looked through the window the entire way back to liam's place.

Why, the moon and star was so close. Where did the moon go?

a/n : EVERYONE'S YELLING AT ME FOR HOW I SAY MC DONALDS BRO I DONT EVEN EAT THAT....and no im not from Australia or England or America or France :)

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