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there will be no smut with underage lou, i don't support pedophilia.


the conversation he had with louis had been plaguing harry since he sent louis back home to liam.

he had asked liam about it a couple of times as subtly as he could and all that he had gotten from that was that liam was really busy with work.

as in the man had gotten a promotion and it demanded nearly all of his time.

it had probably been two weeks since louis had stayed over, harry wouldn't know, he had lost track of the days.

his life was nothing more than a blur of fast food, work and sleep.

christmas and new years was soon up coming. meaning he too was busy with work, people choosing this time to going into the new year with a fresh tattoo that indicated what they survived in the present year.

even when louis did come harry couldn't pay him much attention, he had thought hiring seasonal staff would help but it barely did.

the staff he hired also didn't get along with his permanents, especially zayn.

the only female of the group, stella, had found a problem with zayn within the very first day.

at present harry was laying in bed, he had work in three hours but couldn't seem to sleep.

his mind was plagued with too many questions and thoughts for its own good.

louis hadn't been as needy and persistent as usual and oddly enough it was bothering harry.

the boy instead sat on his stool and busied himself with something, whether it was studies, homework our even a simple coloring book.

if harry didn't know any better, he'd say louis was even subtly avoiding him.

maybe he'd been a bit harsh with the boy last time but it was truly necessary considering the boy was as stubborn as they came.

harry's phone rang pulling him out of his thoughts. he couldn't pick up the phone fast enough as he saw liam's id flash.

"lee?" harry mumbled before trying to clear the sleep out of his voice.

"oh thank god," was the first thing liam said sounding stressed out. harry looked at his clock again, 4:34 am. what was liam's problem so early in the morning?

"harry, louis' sick, he's been puking a bit, i hired a day's nanny but he refuses to behave with her, i don't know what to do. the only person I could think of is you."

harry bit his lip and checked his clock again. he had work in a few, he definitely couldn't carry louis there if the boy was ill.

"i'll be over in a few lee, when do you leave?"

"was supposed to be gone since four, i just didn't want to leave him uncomfortable."

harry sighed, already finding clothes to throw on, "don't worry, tell louis i'm on my way."


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