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this is hard, nothing feels right.


louis whined his disapproval when harry turned him on his back to sleep that night.

"does this mean I can't cuddle you anymore? because then, undo."

harry rolled his eyes before wrapping an arm around louis' waist and pulling him in. "are you ready for the next one tomorrow?"

"i mean...yeah," a stared at harry's face. The way his lashes naturally curled, how if he looked close enough he could count every pore, the way his lips was slightly chapped and there was a small pimple at the bottom of his chin. harry was so human.

Lightly, his hand lifted to his tattoo, it was still covered due to harry's orders but Louis could see it, feel the soft throbbing reminding him how only a few hours ago he had permanently marked his skin.

harry had suggested they only did the first half today and the second half tomorrow so that louis could adjust to the feel of it.

"go sleep," harry mumbled giving louis some bleary blinks, "i'll wake you at seven."

when louis pouted with a nod, harry leant closer and pecked him, "night princess. Love you."

louis preened, who knew calling harry daddy once was enough to get the ball rolling on all the things he had fantasized about.

harry had sat him down and they spoke about the do's and don't's of their relationship. then harry gave him a list of basic rules which were already pretty much in action and from there, the officiated their cgl relationship.

'fuck.' louis thought, because he's so in love with harry. it was so worth having zayn be mean to him and people look at him weird. everything was so worth it and louis was so happy he could cry.

harry is like his wishing rock. he'd want something, and harry would make it happen.

someone to hold him when he cries to the opening of, 'Up.' harry's got him.

someone to kiss his face and play with his hair when he felt needy and sad? harry's got him.

a kiss every morning because if he doesn't get it he'll absolutely die? coming right up with a blow job on the side.

even when harry was angry he didn't shout, and with louis around, that was often. instead, he'd try to find out why louis was throwing a tantrum and fix it and then punish him.

when louis cried harry would scramble around and do everything to make sure louis was ok. even when louis would randomly cry because his mum was so small now and not exactly out of danger, harry would simply hold him.

once louis had harry, he had everything.

"love you, daddy."


"Goodbye is the hardest part. When we find ourselves back at the start, but I'm not so brave and I'm not so smart. No, I'm doing you a favor." -Grandson.

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