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lotta tests, sorry xoxo


louis was tugged to the middle of the bed and into a heated kiss with harry.

his hands wrapped themselves into harry's hair as harry's hand massaged louis inner thighs very close to his groin.

louis let out a soft whine when their lips broke apart, harry's lips finding its way to his neck alternating between sucks and gentle kisses.

"harry?" gemma called from downstairs making harry release a pained groan into louis' ear.

"look what you've done," harry nibbled louis' ear showing no intention of stopping, instead simply pulling off the cockring and resting it next to louis' hip like a warning.

suddenly louis wondered if harry had locked the door, his thighs encased harry's body at the thought.

"no playing shy now, tease," harry hummed prying louis legs open and making a trail down, "gotta finish what we started hm?"

and as if he was casually sky gazing, harry propped himself up on his elbow next to louis' dick and gazed at it.

"so pretty," he flicked it causing louis to try to shy away again, harry sent him a look as he gripped on his right leg, nails slightly digging into the flesh and tugged himself up so that his lips were a few centimeters away from louis' burning red dick.

"don't cum," was harry's only orders as he set to work. harry clearly had practice as he immediately swallowed louis down so that his tip hit the back of his throat.

louis cried out his hand unsure whether to pull harry off or push him deeper.

"harry?" gemma's voice was closer; yet harry showed no signs of stopping instead letting out a satisfied hum that made louis' body spasm.

"harry," louis whimpered, a moan mixing in with the pained sound, "your si-"

a surprised groan slipped right out has harry swallowed causing louis to lose feelings in his fingers and toes.

before he knew it he was tugging erratically at harry's hair stuttering all kind of nonsense.

"ha-harry please!" he sobbed finally causing harry to come up, his teeth slightly grazing the abusing cock as he came up.

he nuzzled louis' pelvic bone with a sigh, "i think you're misunderstood, love," harry began, his scratchy voice turning on louis even more making his dick twitch.

"this isn't about you," a piercing look followed by a sweet kitten lick from louis' balls to his tip. "this is for my enjoyment, your job is to be a good little slut and not come."

and just like that, louis hips stuttered up as his orgasm hit, harry frowned and simply stared as the boy spasmed and squirted onto himself.


"didn't i just say not to cum?" harry clucked his tongue before standing up and adjusting his pants.

"i'll deal with you later", he said to louis' guilty and confused face, "right now we have guests get dressed.

and just like that harry left the room. turns out, the door was unlocked.


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