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"did he behave?" was the first thing zayn asked harry the next morning as he walked in the parlor.

"that he did," harry sighed rubbing his tired face and placing his bag on the counter.

"looks like he kept you up late too," he teased causing ian to send him a look.

"that he did."

zayn pouted, "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..."

"brilliant observation zayn, any other genius realizations you want to bring to the table?" harry finally hissed.

"actually yes," zayn grinned amused by harry's temper, "your shirt is backwards."

and only because he is a little shit, he added a toothy smile and went back to work.

with a sigh harry realised he was right and went behind to flip it, simply to not make any customers uncomfortable.

when he came back out he grabbed a needle and began to sterilize it all while gesturing for a male costumer to join him.

"listen man," the guy started holding his hands up in surrender, "i'm pretty fragile, i bruise like a peach, so if you're not gonna take it easy on me then..."

harry sighed before breaking out a smile, "it's cool man, just sit."

true to his word the man bled very quickly and was very squeamish, whining and almost to the point of tears.

overall, harry's worst type of client, but harry pulled through somehow calmer than he had started and just in time as louis pranced in.

the boy flung his bag on the floor and ran up to harry with a handful of papers shoving them in his face with a sunshine smile.

harry bent back a bit before taking the papers in one hand, "what's this?" he mumbled as he looked through it.

"test results," louis bounced on his toes still waiting for harry's praise.

harry placed his needle by the sink giving the guy a wave before fully giving the papers his attention.

to say harry was impressed was an understatement, in school if harry managed to scrape up a 'b-' or a 'c+' he'd be happy as hell.

yet here was louis getting effortless 'a's' in all his eight subjects. his lowest mark being ninety four.

harry looked back down at the boy, still momentarily blown away, "when do you get the time to study?"

"i'm a visual and auditory learner," louis twisted his hand a shy smile on his face, "once I pay attention in class, i remember."


"ok harry, let's start using words," zayn finally intercepted harry's fish mouthing, "what's dear old harry is trying to say, little lou, is congrats."

"this deserves a reward," harry says snagging louis' attention back. "what do you want, lou?"

"um, i-i don't know," louis flushed glancing shyly at zayn for help, seemingly embarrassed by the situation.

"he'd like an ice cream date with you paying, he has numerous favorite flavors and he would like a tub of them all," zayn listed exactly what louis had gushed to him about days ago causing louis to swing around and flip him off.

harry frowned grabbing louis' hand to stop him from showing his middle finger.

"i guess i'll be seeing you on saturday at six," harry simply said before turning and grabbing his needle, gesturing for a new client to join him.

if louis creamed himself a little, no one had to know.


"baby it's easy to fake a smile when you've been doing it for a while."-Benny.

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