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after dinner everyone sat on the couch just as the day before, ready to open gifts once again.

harry's mum gave louis his first. as soon as he tore it open harry groaned.

"really mum?"

louis opened the picture and cooed at the sight of a tiny naked harry with blonde hair, blue eyes and a powdered ass.

"s'cute harry," he teased causing harry to emit another groan into his shoulder.

"you'll see this after," he snatched the book still sulking and truly hoping louis forgot all about it very very soon.

"this one's for you, harry," harry's mum passed him an oddly shaped gift that turned out to be the prettiest lava lamp harry had ever seen.

he enveloped his mum in a big hug which anne accepted happily before gemma shoved her gifts onto both their laps.

anne's gift was in an envelope so she went first, "figured nothing would make you happier than this."

anne flashed gem a curious look before sliding a ring out if the envelope. she looked at gemma then at gemma's boyfriend wide eyed.

"is this real?"

gemma bit her lip as she grinned and anne jumped up and clapped. harry hugged his sister and congratulated her along with her boyfriend while anne started yelling different wedding decor.

the house was buzzing with life even though it was only a few of them allowing the couple and his mother to talk about details harry sat back down by louis how had a really soft look on his face while staring at them.

harry took that moment to admire. to truly admire the boy. his defined cheekbones, his thin lips, his lashes and icy blue eyes. the way his hair naturally fell softly unto his forehead and his lips turnt up into a small 'v' when he was silently preening.

louis was so gorgeous, he was bold while still managing to be innocent. he spoke up even when he didn't feel welcomed to and loved himself so much that he didn't feel ashamed showing skin to just about anyone.

harry was sure the boy could grab literally anyone by their heart strings  and yet he chose harry. fuck if harry wasn't grateful. even when louis was being whiny and demanding or sad and reserved. this boy and taken over his life completely and harry wouldn't want it any other way.

louis turned to stare at harry a small smile playing on his lips before he caught the look in harry's eye and regarded him curiously.


harry smiled. this louis was his. all his and he was gonna marry the fuck out of him some day.

"yes little lou?" louis flushed.

"why are you looking at me like that?" harry could only imagine what shade of psycho he looked right about now.

"like what?"

louis shrugged playing with his hands and avoiding eye contact.

"like i love you?"


Sooooo this book is actually gonna finish soon and I'm super pleased because it'll be my first completed book. C:

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