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rip fizzy.


by 12:00pm there was no remnants of the party. liam, zayn, niall and ian had stayed behind to help clean and then left when it was half way finished.

louis was sleeping off his first hangover. meanwhile harry was getting ready to go pick up his mother and sister.

he shrugged on his jacket and left after writing a little note in case louis woke up before he came back.

an hour later, harry reopened the door his mother, sister, step father and sister's fiance in tow.

immediately louis looked up from the sofa with a pout, his mouth filled with the cereal in the bowl in front of him.

when louis saw the other people he swallowed quickly and stood up fidgeting.

harry couldn't understand how louis could make such mess in such little time.

"come here, lou."

louis didn't need to be told twice, everyone's attention was on him and he'd like to get it off him thank you very much.

"louis this is my mum, sister and their significant others," harry pointed to each, "guys this is lou."

louis did a small wave which had harry's mum moving forward to embrace him.

"nice to finally meet the person my baby has talked so much about," harry's mum held him at shoulder length as she inspected him before turning to harry.

"he is as cute as you described."

harry had the audacity to look smug as he lent against the door frame while louis turned different shades of red.

"you're very pretty too," louis complimented still not quite looking her in the eye.

"mum stop crowding him," harry's sister spoke up and pushed her way through, "nice to meet you, lou."

everyone then shuffled in louis grabbing harry's hand to tell him to stay behind.

"why didn't you tell me?" he whined stomping his feet lightly. "i would have dressed for the occasion."

harry chuckled, louis was in his usual morning atire. a shirt that was big for even harry and thigh highs.

"you look cute," harry wrapped an arm around his waist, "you're dressed enough."

"nuh uh," louis pouted, "if i sit everyone will see my underwear or lack of underwear."

harry frowned at that, "why would you come out without underwear?"

louis flushed all over and bit his bottom lip deciding on simply staring at the spot by harry's foot.

harry soon caught on and pinched louis' cheeks, endeared.

"come on let's put you in some clothes." harry teased grabbing louis' thighs and lifting him up making sure the shirt was covering his bare bum.


"etchi 'til i die all these lolis call me
rubbing on her thigh she stay wet for her
shawty so kawaii and would die for her
ride and watch hentai all the time with senpai."

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