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the end is near...

the parlour reopened bright and early on the fourth of january.

louis couldn't help the way his mouth never moved from smiling position. he bounced and grinned and stared up at harry as though the man was a god himself.

"ready?" harry couldn't help smiling too. the sun was bright, everyone was here; zayn, liam, danté, niall, ian, ted, ron, devon, ben, allie, anne and gem.

even louis' mum was on video call, a soft smile on her face as she stared at her son sitting happily in his chair.

louis bit his lip and nodded so fast that everyone chuckled.

it was only fitting that harry would be the one to give louis his first tattoo. it was only fitting that said tattooing would be done after great news of louis' mum getting better. or maybe to celebrate harry agreeing to take him to the club. there was so much for louis to be happy about.

harry leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to louis' temple before turning on the tattoo gun. louis' face scrunched as the odd sensation hit just beneath his collar bones.

"relax," harry hummed still not stopping his work. zayn held louis' hand a stupid smile on his face. this was a big deal for everyone.

it was roughly about a minute before harry was pulling back. he squirted some antibacterial soap onto his gloved fingers and rubbing it before washing it with warm water.

"there we go."

louis' teary eyes opened, the smile immediately taking over again. "it's done?"

harry nodded before reaching around to get some wrap for it.

"that's such a you tattoo," zayn smiled, their fingers lacing as louis smiled back. "it's crazy, huh?"

He craned his neck to watch the rest of his colleagues and friends. "this annoying twink just randomly comes into our parlour and boom, a few months later we're all in his trap. sitting around him all teary eyed. completely smitten."

"what can i say? i'm special." louis grinned even though he too was almost crying.

"why are we acting like we're all moving away again?" ian asked from the back his hand in a pack of takis.

"shut up idiot, or baby is no longer a baby, keep up," zayn hissed back causing ian to raise his hands in surrender.

"now he's a big boy," louis mum whispered from her side, voice still small but she was recovering.

harry wrapped an arm around louis' waist. "didn't even cry, zayn can't say the same."

zayn gasped before shoving harry's shoulder, "i'm fragile. duh."

"zayn's a pretty princess, how dare you offend her?" louis sided with zayn and shoved harry's other shoulder.

"you tell him, lou."


My hands, your hands, tied up like two ship, drifting, weightless, waves trying to break it. I'll do anything to save it." -One Direction.

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