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i'm out of little space and i'd like to apologise for that horrid cringe.


louis had no idea how he went from being showered with kisses and affection to having his hands tied to the bed head and his ankles tied together.

ok so maybe he did know. harry's family had decided to go see a movie leaving only lou and harry at home. when louis had awoken, harry was sound asleep and he was thinking much clearer.

when hunger started to gnaw at him, he snuck downstairs in harry's shirt and began to search the fridge for something to eat.

of course harry had told him from the moment he moved in his ground rules which for louis was simple stuff that basically spelled out that he had to take care of himself. properly.

so you can only imagine harry's surprise when he stumbled downstairs to see louis eating chocolate cake for breakfast.

instead of arguing, harry had opted for taking the cake from him and placing a bowl of cereal. being the brat louis was, he shoved the bowl away.

he didn't mean for the bowl to fall off the counter. and break. that was all gravity's fault.

harry obviously didn't see it that way and that's how louis found himself in this situation.

if louis was being honest he had no idea what harry was going to do. harry had asked him his colors and then told louis to come up with a safe word by the time he was back.

as anyone in their correct mind frame would, louis got nervous. if he needed a safe word then that meant that he was going to be punished. Not just punished but actually punished.

the creaking of the door made louis jump and crane his neck, the position making the movement awkward and uncomfortable.

he heard a soft tsk, followed with harry's large hands kneeding his arse informing him that harry had really come back.

"haz?" louis whispered trying to see if he could have harry lessen whatever punishment he had planned.

harry hummed before pinching louis' left ass cheek, "did i give you permission to speak?"

louis hissed and tried to move as far as he could from the pain before stumbling out a, "no sir." which only earned him another pinch and a dark chuckle from harry.

"did I say you could speak?" louis whimpered before giving a hesitant shake of his head.

"good boy," harry rewarded him by caressing the quickly bruising skin. "what's your safe word?"

louis hesitated before cranking his neck again to see if harry actually wanted him to speak.

"you can speak," harry smiled clearly pleased with how quickly louis learnt.

"trees?" it sounded ridiculous to louis' own ears but harry only nodded before pulling out the box.

instead of pulling out what he needed, harry looked up and made eye contact with louis. "you know," he started, "i've been letting you get away with so much."

louis chewed his lip. louis wasn't that disobedient; he listened. sometimes.

"don't you agree?" harry hummed a smile that sent heat into all the right places on louis' body.

louis' nod was quickly cut short by harry's hand coming down hard on his right ass cheek. "don't lie to me."

shock wouldn't even begin to describe louis' state as his mouth fell open and his back curved. a silent, 'fuck' left his mouth.

"turn in front, louis," louis did. "what's your color?"




"Almost. Almost is never enough. So close to being in love. If I had of known that you wanted me, the way I wanted you." -Ariana Grande.

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