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after harry had cleaned louis off, louis quickly got dressed and harry had a quick cold shower.

by the time they were back down, anne and her significant other were snuggling on the couch watching a show harry couldn't name.

"harry!" gemma complained, "where's the turkey, and the ham?"

"i made it this morning," harry pulled out the turkey from the microwave where he had hid it in case louis had woken up for a midnight snack.

louis quickly made his way over to his beanbag next to the sofa and folded himself in half.

"have you guys opened gifts yet?" anne asked raising her her head to view louis better.

feeling somewhat guilty for his earlier rendezvous with harry while they were here, louis burnt right up.

"n-no, well i don't th-think so," he flushed some more when his mouth just wouldn't cooperate.

"that's lovely, i've brought some gifts for the lot of you."

louis nodded with a small smile before playing with the handle of the sofa next to him.

"louis?" harry called from the doorway, his hands tucked in his pocket and a small smile on his face.

"coming," louis tried his best not to scamper out of there. he really did.

"what's got you all flushed?" harry hummed wrapping an arm around louis' waist and leading him to the kitchen.

louis glared at harry and pouted before stopping causing harry to stop too, "i feel weird."

"why's that?"

"you're mummy is so nice to me, and...and..."

harry tilted louis' face back up, "and?"

"i don't know," he shuffled in his spot, "i don't think I deserve it."

"of course you do," harry murmured tucking louis in his arms, "you're brilliant, i'm sure mum's in love with you already, lou."

louis whined his head going fuzzy as he allowed harry to embrace and pet his hair.

"come on," harry pulled louis along, the boy stumbling as his mind was working just a second later,"come with me."

as soon as he reached in the kitchen, harry held him up and placed him on the counter, "my pretty little ornament."

gem cooed as louis giggled and stuck his thumb in his mouth, suckling gently.

"i knew it," she grinned at harry grabbing the cloth so she could wipe the water she had spilt.

"and what did you know?" harry teased handing louis a bowl of cut apples.

"oh please, everything about him screams sub," gemma chuckled placing her hands on her hips, "i thought mumma's boy, harry stopped doing that?"

"i did," harry chuckled before pinching louis' cheeks,"then this one sneaked up on me," he turned to gemma in mock sadness, "i had no defense."

"of course you didn't," she scoffed.


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