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this chapter is dedicated to dosplitsonsatansdick. happy birthday queen.


harry didn't like the way louis basically dragged himself into his parlour, sulking through and through.

he had watched when zayn asked the boy if he was fine. a tiny nod was the only reply.

he didn't even dress like himself. this time in a black sweater and ripped jeans. definitely the most masculine thing harry's seen on him.

"hello mister harry," he said quickly before pulling himself up on a stool further than usual and fidgeting with his hands.

harry wanted to ask him what was wrong too, but he had a feeling he wouldn't get an honest answer.

"are you hungry?" he asked instead, watching as he was given a wary smile and a tiny,  'yes.'

harry was free, so it cost him nothing as he got up from his seat and went to get a half of his lunch sandwich for the boy.

even ted was looking worried, and ted always kept to himself, never really getting involved in anything.

"do you want me to call liam?" zayn tried again as harry handed the boy the sandwich covered in plastic wrap.

"no thanks, zayn," the boy said after he mumbled a 'thank you,' then took a tiny bite.

"how was school?" harry pulled his chair closer to louis and propped his face up in his hand.

"hadda test," louis spoke with his mouth full. harry decided to let it slide.

"which subject?"


"how was it?" harry picked up the discarded plastic wrap and simply held it.

"easy peasy," this conversation was going no where.

"then what's wrong," zayn snapped, "spit it out kid." harry leveled zayn with a look but knew it was pointless.

zayn always had a short patience level.

"nothing!" harry could see the boy felt cornered.

"drop it zayn," he sighed as zayn opened his mouth to argue back. he fully and blatantly ignored the glare zayn gave him instead opting to go throw the plastic wrap away.

harry brought his sketch pad back with him.

"you said you weren't done telling me which tattoos you wanted?" harry could feel all his workers staring at him. even the three customers seemed to be staring too.

"i wasn't..." louis seemingly had no idea where this was going.

"well, tell me the rest."


remember, everyone has the right to leave. no one has to stay with you. so if they choose to stay, you need to appreciate that.

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