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"hello, mister harry," lou grinned immediately leaving liam and running to the other male.

"no school today?" harry asked eyeing how louis only had on an over sized shirt.

"actually," liam said passing a hand through his hair and taking a seat, "i was wondering if you could watch him today, i'll be getting of late and it's too much hassle to ask you to leave work and pick him up. he'll behave I promise." liam added giving louis a meaningful look.

louis grinned and batted his lashes at liam who simply rolled his eyes. harry sighed and looked down at the lad, "course-"

"no problem, li. do you even have to ask, we don't mind. He practically lives here now." zayn butted in with a nervous grin.

liam smiled a bit, "thanks zee, thanks haz, i'll see you as soon as i can."

with that liam left. almost like clockwork, louis sat on harry's stool and placed his bag on the floor next to it.

then out came the llamas harry bought, a little unicorn, a pig and a crocodile.

harry gave zee a pleading look but the male was still in his own land, biting his lip to stop his rare smile.

"we have work to do, harry," ian teased before pointing to a girl who was watching the scene rather closely.

"alright, to the sofa you go," harry tapped louis shoulder before helping him pick up his stuff and relocate.

"mister harry, would you like to meet them?" louis asked once he was seated.

"of course, but after work." louis beamed and continued playing with then fur on the rather fuzzy pig plushie.

harry gestured for the girl to join him and she did, sitting on the comfortable chairs and reclining a bit.

"did you choose a tatt?"

"i came with one in mind," she smiled before handing harry a paper she had folded up in her hand.

harry snorted at the picture. "what's your inspiration?" he asked as he passed around for his tools.

"just this thing I saw on pinterest." harry looked back his brows raised.

"are you sure it's a good idea then?" harry asked knowing a lot of people only got pinterest tattoos only to regret them later.

"well if i change my mind i'll just have to come back to see you and pay loads to remove it innit? i can't see how either of us can be against that."

harry snorted. "i prefer to make people scream in a different way."

that peaked louis' interest. it was simply because he was a brat that he asked the next question.

"what way is that mister harry?" harry fished him out, his widened eyes and sweet smile. this boy was spoilt rotten.

"yes, harry. what ways?" ian deadpanned before shaking his head and refocusing on his client.

with flushed cheeks harry started his client. "we're waiting harry." zayn teased.

"shut it," harry hissed embarrassed, "before I fire you."

if he mumbled the last part, he wouldn't say.


it's funny how you begged me not to leave you, but you ended up leaving me.

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