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harry blinked before pushing himself up properly. he replayed the words in his head making sure that he had heard right.

"you..like me?" harry repeated for good measure. "in what way?"

louis bit his bottom lip and fiddled with the bed sheets under him. "like boyfriends?"

harry blinked again, "and what do you expect from me?"

louis' face snapped up with a goofy grin, "a ring?"

"louis," harry groaned, wiping his face to hide his smile, "be serious."

"i am serious," he moved closer, " want to be harry's and want harry to be mine's. forever and ever."

"that does sound like marriage," harry murmured still wrapping his mind around the information.

"who else knows?" he squinted at louis, " zayn. zayn definitely knows..." he trailed off again.

"and ted, and uncle lee, and you. everyone knows," louis grinned.

finally harry's eyes travelled to louis, thoughts running through his head faster than he can process them.

"lou, there's things you don't know about me.. in fact, we barely know each other."

"lets solve that right now!" louis crossed his legs, "tell me something no one knows about you."

harry hummed, "i started smoking at thirteen and was pretty much addicted until i was sixteen."

louis hummed, "at least you don't smoke anymore," he offered.

when harry couldn't keep his eyes louis added, "from now on, no more cancer sticks. pinky promise?"

harry chuckled and hooked their pinkies, "pinky promise i'll try."

"your turn."

"well, once i mooned my teacher because he said i was a know it all."

harry snorted, "that's such a you thing to do."

louis giggled and ran his finger along harry's thigh, "it had the reverse effect though."

"as anyone would suspect."

louis hummed and kept his eyes down still drawing little infinity signs on harry's thigh with his finger. harry stared intently at louis' flushed face.

"do you want to see what i bought for myself?" louis asked finally looking up and resting his hand on harry's lower thigh.

"maybe later," harry looked at the clock, "right now i want to see you asleep."

"but i'm not sleepy, and it's my birthday," louis pouted slouching unto harry's chest.

"you're never sleepy," harry roled his eyes, "give me a second i'm gonna make a quick call."

zayn picked up on the third ring with a loud groan.

"what. the. fuck."

"so he just told me," harry started skipping any form of hello.

"yippy fucking de doo. now fuck. good bye," zayn drawled in his morning voice.

"zayn, you know that's not why i called."

"he's legal now, what are you waiting for? plow that ass."

harry hissed quite fed up of zayn's teasing, "he wants to date."

"oh," zayn said his voice picking up a sarcastic tone, " so tiny harry called to talk about his attachment issues? or should i say detachment issues?"

"zayn help, for once," harry sighed.

"louis' a tiny harmless demon monster thingy. date him, see where it goes and decide. easy, no need to freak out."

harry was quiet before he mumbled what was on his mind, his voice dripping with guilt, " i don't want to hurt him."

"eh," zayn mumbled already drained from their minute long call, "think of it this way; suck his dick, or someone else will."

and zayn hung up on that note, through all the teasing harry knew zayn's true message.

harry had missed enough opportunities in his life from his paranoia. it's time he did something about it.

"your mum says that she hates me, thinks i'm fucking lazy. your friends keep on telling you to leave me cause i'm crazy. i do some shit you can't forgive, but you better get used to it. i'm a bad girlfriend." -Anne-Marie.

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