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double update because i'm the best c:

it was the day before christmas eve or christmas adam as louis called it and louis was more than excited for his birthday.

he was sat on harry's kitchen counter swinging his legs and belting out the same line over and over.

harry was baking the pineapple upside down cake that louis had insisted on.

"what about ice cream?" harry asked dusting his hands and standing at louis' knees.

"can i get sorbet?" louis bounced in spot almost knocking over the flour bag that harry hadn't close yet.

"we'll have to go out for it," harry hummed seeing about closing back the flour bag and putting it back in the cupboard.

"i have a secret to tell harry," louis smiled shyly.

"what is it?"

"i'll tell you tomorrow," louis grinned before hopping off the counter and running to get bundled up.

harry looked after louis curiously wondering what exactly the boy could have kept from him.

when louis came back down he looked like a tiny snowman in all his layers of white. harry scoffed simply putting on his coat and a scarf and leaving with louis in tow.

"did harry get me a gift?" louis asked as they arrived at the ice cream shop.

"yes, his love and affection," harry teased causing louis to pout and try to shove harry.

"i get that everyday, i want more."

harry scoffed at his spoilt behaviour before going up to the counter and asking for sorbet ice cream in a bucket.

then harry headed them to the mall leaving the sorbet in the trunk.

"ok listen up," harry started trying to get louis to focus on him, "i'm only giving you five hundred today, we'll meet back right here at six ," harry pointed at this waterfall.

louis grabbed harry's phone and checked the time and say that it was already half four.

"thank you harry," he stood on his tippy toes hugging the older before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and running off.

harry watched after louis before heading off on his own direction to get louis his real gift.

harry popped his head into the blonde's store and looked around.


almost immediately the blonde appeared and ran up to harry.

"are you here for it?" he grinned already dragging harry into the back.

"okok, so i kind if got over excited and made it into a set."

harry blinked dumbly at the items in front of him.

"is it too much?" niall asked, "it's for the same price as promised."

"geez niall," harry started a bit bewildered, " i asked for one."

"yeah well you're the best, so you get all for the price of one," niall grinned already bagging the items.

"are you bringing him to the club, everyone is excited to meet him."

harry groaned before grabbing his bag and waving bye.

sometimes niall was just to much.

"there's something about today, there's something about this place, there's something about him that's driving me crazy." -Rendezvous at two.

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