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the biggest uwu to all of you :>


harry awoke an hour later with a dry throat and a slight pounding in his head. yet the party was still in full swing.

it was now 1am. christmas morning, and what a better way to start it off than a totally out of control party?

almost immediately, harry's mind ran to louis. he pushed himself up to standing positions and stumbled a bit before he caught his footing.

he needed to pee quick before his bladder exploded. he stumbled to the closest bathroom and tried to open it.

he cursed angrily as he fumbled with the locked door only just remembering that he had locked it earlier so that no drunk kids would fuck in it.

he took the keys out from his pocket and opened it quickly. it was a toilet and bath, big enough to hold a bathtub and a shower along with a toilet, mirror and sink.

harry waddled up to the toilet and quickly relieved himself. he then turned to wash his hand and check his reflection.

he jumped when he realised he wasn't the only one it there. in the bathtub, louis laid curled up in a ball completely knocked out.

harry frowned, what the fuck.

"louis?" he murmured as he shook the boy gently, "louis, baby, get up for me."

with a soft whimper, louis rolled over but didn't open his eyes, "sleepy."

harry sighed before going back over to the sink and filling his cupped hand with water. he allowed the water to drip onto louis' face as he attempted to wake him again.

"louis, get up," harry said a bit louder, his shaking more urgent.

louis blinked his eyes open with a soft sob, harry frowned at the redness of his sclera.

"what happened, lou?"

louis carefully sat up in the bathtub and rubbed the moisture off his face. "harry?"

"hey, tiny," harry smiled a bit realising the mental state louis was in. "wanna tell me what happened baby?"

louis nodded slowly before seating himself in harry's lap and burying his nose in the space between his shoulder and neck.

"danté gave me trees to eat," louis began," nasty trees."

harry sighed, "eat or smoke?"

louis flinched curling into himself more, "i'm sorry. didn't want to. danté insisted, didn't want to make him angry."

"it's ok, how about we get you some water?" harry rubbed circles on louis' back. he waited until he felt a nod before he held louis in his arms and stood.

he made his way to the kitchen as fast as he could and louis took a couple sips of water before sighing and laying down again.

"how about we go look for zayn and lee, bet they're passed out too."


"Sorry that I did this,
The blood is on my hands,
I stare at my reflection,
I don't know who I am"
- Alec Benjamin.

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