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greedy greedy people, i love y'all.


"lou, i've missed work all of last week. i have to go now," harry reasoned trying to pry louis' hands from his shirt.

"but i don't want you to go," louis huffed wrapping his arms fully around harry and refusing to let go.

"behave," harry tapped the arm gently. "come on get dressed, you can come too."

louis pouted, he wanted harry all to himself, if he went with harry it ment he had to share. with school over and him being sick, harry had stayed by liam a full week to aid louis to proper health, only leaving once to get his clothes.

"quick," harry snapped louis out his thoughts and sent him on his way to put on proper clothes. harry didn't know why he was surprised to find out all louis wore around the house was big shirts and boxers.

louis dragged himself up stairs and changed into a oversized yellow jacket and black shorts; adding some fish nets to spice it up.

"alright let's go," harry stood from his spot on the sofa, tucking his phone in his pocket and heading to his car with louis in tow.

louis fitted into his seat and waited for harry to strap him in out of habit before folding his legs under him, his shoes on his lap.

"why does harry run a tattoo shop?" louis asked, the question just crossing his mind.

"it's a story for another time," harry murmured looking back as he reversed from the parking lot and into the street.

"why?" harry had been denying louis practically everything since he had woken up and louis wasn't particularly enjoying it.

"because i don't feel like it, lou. i'll tell you some other time." with that louis crossed his arms turning away from harry and staring into the road.

harry was being so rude to him and he couldn't decipher why. maybe it was because he had thrown a tantrum yesterday when harry had told him to wash his own dish.

or maybe it was because he practically ignored harry when he had given him a bed time of half six. but that really wasn't his fault. what kind of psycho slept at half six?

louis glanced at harry who was solely focusing on the road. the man looked stressed too. maybe louis was acting up but harry shouldn't punish him now for what he did yesterday.

huffing again, louder, so that harry could here him, louis tightened his arms and straightened himself away from harry.

harry on the other hand paid the boy no attention as he was sure if he did, he'd react in a way less that appropriate. illegal even. a couple more weeks.

he could wait a couple more weeks.


"it's so quiet here, and i feel so cold. this house no longer feels like home."- Ben Cocks.

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