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i heckin miss you.

the room was silent except for louis' stuttering breath.

harry had already cancelled the party until two pm and was downstairs decorating, baking and doing practically everything he could.

meanwhile louis was trying his best not to cry. maybe he shouldn't have tested harry like that.

who was he to know the things that harry kept in his room? to know he'd end up tied to harry's bed posts, both his arms and legs restricted with a small vibrator tied to his part.

louis took it back, harry wasn't the nicest man he ever met he was the-

louis cried out as another orgasm threatened to take him.

fuck. harry had place some kind of restraint at the bottom of his cock. louis couldn't cum even if he wanted to.

"harry," louis cried out just wishing harry would come and help him. the noise down stairs continued telling louis that harry wasn't coming up until he felt like it.

"harry, please," louis hiccuped tears finally escaping his eyes.

the silence of the room mixed with the pressure against his cock was sending him absolutely crazy.

louis sagged even more on the bed when he heard heavy footsteps. harry wanted him to hear. wanted him to anticipate his coming.

louis squeezed his eyes closed tight when he heard the door open.

"harry..." he moaned his hips lifting slightly before dropping again. "harry, please."

harry tsked before coming closer to the bed to swipe the beads of precum leaking from louis' tip.

"harry," louis tried again, his body stuttering in indecision of whether to move from harry's touch our lean into it.

"yes?" harry hummed now rubbing louis cockhead in small circular motions sending louis absolutely wild as he thrashed under the restraints.

"please, hurts," louis tried again his tongue feeling heavy and his thighs tensing up to prepare for an impending orgasm.

"does it now?"

louis whined again a loud sob and a tear escaping.

harry chuckled before wiping away louis' tear with his thumb.

"louis' had enough right?" harry hummed as he slowly removed the cock ring.

"look how tense little louis is," he kneads his thighs purposely avoiding louis' flaming red organ next to him.


harry hummed, "be patient," and then just like that, his long fingers wrapped around louis.

it took harry one slow pull to have louis coming all over himself, his body shaking and his mouth letting out soft 'ah's'.

"there you go," harry rubbed louis' hip up and down. "that's it."

"fuck harry," louis murmured his chest still heaving in an attempt to help him catch his breath.

harry tsked again before undoing the ropes. "watch your language, there's enough time for punishment number two."

and just like that louis was muted. his face redder than a beat and his heart pounding miles an hour.

next time he'd definitely get harry to touch him properly.


"often i am upset that I cannot fall in love but i guess, this avoids the stress of falling out of it" -Cavetown.

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