Big opportunity

627 16 1

*Rhys Prov.*

It was about Noon and I was skateboarding by myself. No one came, which I didn't mind.

It just means I get more time to myself. I was going down a ramp when I hear my phone go off.

I quickly get of my board and run over to it. I look at the caller ID and see it's Namjoon.

I sigh and answer. "Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Rhys. I was wonder if you could come over to the studio today?" He asks me.

I make a confused face. He wants to see me? On a day where they're practicing for a concert, that is tomorrow!? Is he crazy?

"Umm. Sure, what time?" I ask.

"Er... Can you come over right now?" He asks me and I'm shocked.

Shocked because they need to practice and i don't want to disturb them.

"Sure. Be there in a few minutes." I say and hang up.


I get off my stakeboard and walk into the building. I wonder why they need to see me.

I mean, they don't usually do this. Unless it's important. I set my stakeboard in my Studio and want to the BTS practice room.

As I get there I hear talking. I nock on the door and all talking stops.

"Come in!" Jimin says. I open the door and see the new manager be they told me about and all the members.

"Ah, You must be Rhys." The new manager says. I look at him. "Um, Yes I am." I say.

"Your friends have told me about you." He says and looks at the others.

I look at them as well, "They have?" I say and they all smile.

"Yes, and I have a question for you Rhys." The manager says and I look at him.

"What is it?" I say.

"You have been a trainee since you were 16, correct?" He asks me and I nod.

"And your 18 now?" He asks me and I nod again.

"You would be the youngest but..." He says but stops.

'Wait, the youngest of what?' I think to myself.


"Would you like to be the 8th member...."

'Wait, 8th member??'

"Of BTS?"


The Managers 'Son' (BTS x Trans Reader) FTMWhere stories live. Discover now