Fanmeet pt 1

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*Rhys Prov*

I finish writing my sing and start to make little notes on ehat kind of music to put in the background.

Soft piano music I Write down. I smile and look over my lyrics. 'Good job Rhys...' I think to myself.

I get grab my phone and put together a mix of music. I just need to play one part of it.

I get up and grab a ukulele I sit down against the mirror again and start to sing and play.

*??? Prov*

I stand outside of the door with him and we both listen Rhys sing

"I never knew he could play as well..." He says and I look at him and only nod.

"We have a fanmeet today, maybe he can sing that..." He asks me and I say,
"Yeah... Maybe..."


*Rhys Prov*

I pull my hood back over my head and we all walk to the van.

We have a fanmeet today, and it's where they're going to fully introduce me.

The members wanted to call it off so I could hear, but I decided not too.

The fans would be mad, and I don't want them I hate me. Or the members.

I'm nervous to see what the ARMYs reaction will be. I sit way in the back while playing with my fingers.

'What will ARMYs think if my appearance? Will they hate me?' I think while looking down.

"Hey Rhys." I hear Hobi's voice and I look at him.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Don't worry, the ARMYs will love you! I'm sure of it!" He says smileing and hugging me.

I can't help but laugh at his actions. Soon we get to the place and we all get out, one by one.

ARMYs screaming the members names.

I got out last, and the fans started to scream more.

I pulled down my hood and waved, and the ARMYs screamed louder, if that was even possible.

We walked into the stage and sat in our spots.

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