Solo Album?

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*Rhys Prov*

The others go back to there room, but Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok stay behind and sit down by me.

We're all quiet and I can feel them looking at me. I sigh and stop writing, I look at up them. "Do you guys need something?" I ask.

"Actually, yeah. We want to talk to you." Namjoon says.

I set my notebook to the side and look at them. "Ok, so what is it?" I ask. They're all quite for awhile.

"Ok, if there's noth-" I was cut off by Hoseok.

"We want to know if you would want to make a solo album." He says and I stop for a second. I look at them.

'A solo album? Why? Wait- have they seen my-' my thoughts are inturpted when Yoongi speaks up.

"All of us have seen your videos and covers Rhys. We know that you can sing and rap." He says.

"A solo album? But why me?" I ask them.

"The manager thinks that you should be given this opportunity, we all have. But you haven't." Yoongi says.

"But-" I get cut off my him again.

"Listen, we all want this for you Rhys. But you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Yoongi says and I get up.

I look at them and say, "I'll think about it.." I grab my notebook not knowing a page fell out.

*Namjoon's Prov*

Us three watch as Rhys walks away up to his room. I sigh, Yoongi and Hoseok leave.

I sit there and think for a bit.

'Rhys should accept this, I mean. I'm not trying to force him but still, we've all had a solo album already.
I just hope he accepts the offer.
We all saw his covers of our songs and many others, we know he can sing very well and rap.'

I sigh, 'Its his choice..' I think to myself and get up.

"Hey Joonie." I look up and feel arms around my neck.

Jin leans down and looks at me, and I look at him.

"Yes babe?" I ask. "Can we go sleep now?" He ask tiredly and I chuckle.

"Sure babe.." I say and we head up to out shared room.

Ahem.... NAMJIN! 😆 OOF I'm high-key fanboying about this now 😂. But anyways I was gonna say, they changed rooms so now, TaeKook has a room, Namjin has a room, Yoonsoek (Suga and J-Hope) have a room, and Jimin and Rhys both have rooms to themselves.

Ok gonna clear this up, the couple's that are TaeKook and Yoonsoek, are NOT dating  in this story. (not YET.... I don't know yet 😂) And NO, Jimin is not gonna be with Rhys, sorry. But I had to clear that up.

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