BTS concert

562 17 0

*Rhys Prov.*

I woke up to my alarm going off. I groan and get up.

I get and up grab my clothes and my binder and head to my bathroom. I hop in letting the hot water hit my back.

I wash myself and quickly get dressed. I walk downstairs and see all the boys eating and talking.

I don't want to ruin the moment so I go back up to my room.

'What time is it anyways?' I think. I grab my phone and look at the time, it's 8:45.

The boys should be leaving soon to go to the concert to practice.

Then they might be back at noon. I'm not sure but I think they will come back and eat, then head to the concert to get ready.

And I'm going with them. I'll be watching from behind the stage and watching when they get off and go on.

I don't mind, I just hope I can get to the airport in time to see Kao. And I can't call her because she is still packing.

So I have the day to myself, but I'm not sure what to do. I could work on editing my video. I sigh and decide to do that.

I grab my computer and walk downstairs and see the boys leaving.

Jin, the last one out saw me. "Oh Rhys, well be back around noon! I left some breakfast in the counter for you!" He says and leaves.

I sigh and sit down on the couch with my computer, and start editing.


I sigh and say, "It's finally done!" I look at the time and see it's almost noon.

The boys should be back soon. I decide to go get a drink of water since I haven't eaten yet.

I get up and make my way over to the sink. I grab a cup of water and drink it. Just as I take a drink I hear a van pull up.

"The boys..." I say and then the door opens and I see the boys all coming in.

They all look tired but they're all smileing and messing around with each other.

They all go there separate ways till Yoongi and Jin come over.

"Hey Rhys " Jin says and starts to get stuff out for lunch.

"Hey Jin" I say and walk back to my spot. I sit back down and Yoongi comes over.

"Did you eat?" He asks and I look at him.

I sigh and say, "No, I wasn't hungry, plus I had work to do." I told a lie to him, well, half a lie. I did have work to do.

"Rhys, come on. Don't lie to me."he says and I sigh.

"Just wait, Jin is making some lunch. Besides, you need it since you are a idol now." He says and nudges me and smiles.

I smile as well and get back to working.

The Managers 'Son' (BTS x Trans Reader) FTMWhere stories live. Discover now